The results of two new surveys published in the medical journal Pediatrics reveal that many U.S. doctors are abandoning vaccines that don't make them money. Due to low reimbursements from insurance companies and government health care programs (Medicare, Medicaid), many doctors are simply refusing to offer such vaccines to children. About half of the doctors surveyed said they had delayed buying at least one vaccine due to the cost.
These survey results bring several important issues to the surface. First, there's the greed of Big Pharma: If the drug industry is here to serve humankind (as they hilariously claim in their advertisements), then drug companies should make vaccines available at cost rather than at the huge markups on the drugs they have in place right now. And that's only if you believe vaccines are actually good for children in the first place.
The second fascinating issue here is that doctors are increasingly fed up with the monopoly price fixing of Big Pharma, too, and they're not going to keep offering services at a loss just because the drug companies tell them to. As long as the pharmaceutical industry continues to exploit the population for obscene corporate profits, more and more doctors are going to drop vaccine services that don't earn them some cash. Doctors are in business to make money, too, and they're not willing to keep eating losses just to vaccinate children (and we shouldn't expect them to).
The third issue is that this reduction in vaccines may actually result in fewer cases of autism which are, of course, caused by the toxic preservative chemicals and inflammatory chemicals found in vaccines (see
Public health officials (and the mainstream media journalists who lie for them) are predictably warning the public about a terrible wave of chicken pox, measles and winter flu cases if all the children aren't injected with a combined total of over 130 vaccines. That's what children are given these days. It's not 130 individual shots; it's 130 total vaccines combined into fewer shots (each shot contains more than one vaccine cocktail).
But health authorities' warnings about outbreaks of infectious disease are all nonsense to begin with: Chicken pox isn't fatal! Neither is measles, except in rare cases. When I was a kid, we all had the chicken pox and measles. It was no big deal, and it made our immune systems stronger, which is why we don't need vaccines today. Besides, a healthy blood level of Vitamin D will protect you from the flu far better than any vaccine. Infectious disease typically only strikes nutritionally depleted children with deficient immune systems (caused by junk food and chemicals in food, drugs and personal care products).
Mandatory vaccination policies are, in fact, modern medicine's best example of quackery. And there's no better demonstration of that than the HPV vaccine fraud (
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the vaccine industry failed due to its own greed? If more doctors refuse to offer vaccines and more parents refuse to chemically assault their own children with those same vaccines, the vaccine industry could sharply contract and experience a substantial loss of business.
And sure, chicken pox cases will rise. So will measles cases. So what? Autism cases would sharply drop, as would autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer's disease and many other neurological disorders caused by the toxic chemicals found in vaccines. We shouldn't poison our children just to prevent non-fatal infections like Chicken Pox, which heals itself and goes away in a few days anyway.
The entire vaccination philosophy now believes that the human immune system is useless and should be hijacked with Big Pharma's chemicals. It's ridiculous. Sure, vaccines are warranted in laboratory workers who might be exposed to level-4 infectious agents that could be fatal, but pushing mandatory vaccines on all the children in the nation just to prevent non-fatal infections and winter colds is medical madness.
But it does, of course, earn profits for Big Pharma. And that's the whole point of the big vaccination push in the first place. It has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with corporate profits.