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Documentation on Sarah Palin's IQ, Academic Record, and Job Performance

By unknown  Posted by Stephen Fox (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   14 comments

Stephen Fox
Message Stephen Fox

This article was pulled because of an error in understanding about the attribution and permission for the article. Furthermore, both the poster on Daily Kos of the same material today has conceded that the academic records have been faked. Although I as poster still believe there is some credibility to the material, in the interest of accuracy and credibility, and the old journalist credo of not posting anonymous material, I am also now removing the URL. This material can be viewed at clapboard.org, the source for all of this, as well as today in the Drudge Report and at Daily Kos, so if others have been schnockered into falling for anonymous material, well, so be it; I am sorry, and at least I am not alone in believing an email sent to me by a credible source: the schnockered journalists include the New York Times and Dan Rather. That sometimes happen when you get out a lot of information and a wide range of news stories.

I will leave the comment board below active; please comment regarding what YOU think, especially if you will watch this hilarious rare debate footage of Batman vs. The Penguin: The Debate, after you click here:


[submitted by Stephen Fox]

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