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Donald J. Trump: WMD

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John Hawkins
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Trump at Mar-a-Lago
Trump at Mar-a-Lago
(Image by FolsomNatural)
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Donald J. Trump: WMD

by John Kendall Hawkins

"Can't we just nuke him?"

- Hillary, lady's toilet stall Goldman Sachs

It's scary to think.

It's scary to think that just several weeks before the absolutely crucial 2022 midterm elections that will determine if the House of Nancy, and her little bad boys, remains the same -- Democrat.

And what have they've done for us lately? Nancy nearly started a war with China over Taiwan, while taking the opportunity, while there, to spruce up her husband's semiconductor portfolio. Biden, the Commander-in-Chief of US military forces, said he had no say in the trip that saw Nancy and her entourage fly to and from Taiwan on a military aircraft

Biden, as the principal Demo, is also in deep sh*t politically. Revenge impeachment is on the horizon if Nancy loses her grip on the House to Repugnicans. Probably he should bomb China before the Peter Kingsters in the GOP open up his China doll set for scrutiny. It could be his way of taking the Fifth.

Biden hasn't coughed up much to get excited about either. I've only had a slight gander at the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, but it looks all Popeye spinach and no real long term strategy for dealing with the bloated Bluto who has us by the hairy walnuts. Thank Christ for Olive Oyl, you find yourself saying. The massage being the message.

But the Act is piddly. The planet's on fire and getting wet and California wants to give itself back to Mexico during the fire season. Ole. I mean, look:

Inflaction Reduction Act 2022
Inflaction Reduction Act 2022
(Image by Public Domain)
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Note first that it ain't called the Climate Change Mitigation Act Now (as it should be), but addresses fatfuckedness instead. Inflation. Ho Ho Ho. Time for Santa to mind that belt line again. What's a deficit? And Rudolph's nose is so bright red because he's been on a bender my entire life. Ralph Nader wants to see the sleigh sidelined -- it's just flat out dangerous when loaded up with pressies for Wall Street and other batshit crazies from hell. (Some say it's a smile, some a shlong; it must be a Tao thing, yinyang.)

$369 billion "to reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030." I don't think so. It ain't enough. Money. Percentage. Didn't we just give fuckin Ukraine at least that amount last week? And, as for climate, I just interviewed a scientist who had some bad news; real bad news (interview coming to a reader-response screen soon, stay tuned). Bill McGuire finished up his new book, Hothouse Earth, in tandem with the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) that was held in Glasgow from October 31 - November 12 last year. He posits that COP26 was 'arguably the most important meeting in the history of humankind.' The visionaries not only had to show up, but the political will to change had to be part of the frisson. Alas, he sighs, "Unfortunately, this was not to be." This time, it ain't just Rome burning. Nero's in a fugue state. We can't just throw another Earth on the klaus barbie. I well up.


And the polls, just weeks before the midterm elections are not looking too good for Demos either. It's just too close. It's how they get stolen (Palast). They only have a few weeks to slam dunk a victory and keep their House alive. Go on, have a look-see at the polls, remembering that many of Grimm's fairy tales were horror-laden:

Polls for Mid Term Elections
Polls for Mid Term Elections
(Image by Statistica)
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In these collected Statista Polls, Red is Repug and Blue is Demo. Overall, Red is slightly ahead. A worry. For Biden. Short of hiring Corn Pop as an PR plug at the last minute to tell us how badly Avuncular Joe wupped his Esther William s ass seven ways to Sunday back in the pools of pomade days; and have us feel sorry for him onnacounta the Covid (or MERS) he caught and did a Trump-like thing and didn't isolate.

But the real problem with these polls is that they're just too damned close. As investigative journalist Greg Palast has pointed out repeatedly over the years, the trouble is with state secretaries and election officials who are keen to find well-hung chads and disposable Black votes, as they've done so many times before. Hell, if things had gone according to Hoyle, and presidential elections, every time we held them, had been 'the most secure in American history" like the MSM crowed they were for the 2020 election, as if to mock Trump's absolutist bravado, then late last century would have featured more Democratic presidents than Repugnicans, and who knows where we'd be today.

And we need to recall that Trump lost the last election, but four states were so goddamn close (within about 1% difference between Biden and Trump recounts were required) that the Spy for Russia almost got back in. It's scary to think. It's scary to think that Trump's MAGA dogmatists might just snatch back that bone of contention known as democracy. Can you dig it?

Spy for Russia???

Would he give those nuke plans to Putin?! Israel? Worse -- Saudi Arabia!!! World Trade Towers (yes, okay, and WTC7) yesterday and tomorrow suburban Phoenix. Why were they in his possession? Was he about to upload them to Wikileaks! Say, didn't he just take the Fifth last week??! Shouldn't we balance these allegations out with highly placed anonymous sources on the Left first? Did DJ go all Bunker Mentality and decide to build a Bomb before they drag his Jimmy Cagney-fed ass off to the hoosegow? Of course, it would have been best for his sorry ass if he had just consulted the Internet: Free. No Classifieds.

I dunno. Sounds like the FBI is interfering with the electoral process again. You know, like in 2016, when, as we are just discovering, the Clinton campaign paid for the Steele Dossier and made sure the FBI got it, who used it to get wiretaps on Trump's servants, and then it turned out to be lies that Mueller (former director of the FBI) had to squelch by subduing the role of the FBI in the DNC "hack." Which was weird. Because they called in the internet security people, Crowdstrike, and on the Exec is a former Associate Director for the FBI (under Mueller), Shawn Henry, who "oversaw half of the FBI's investigative operations, including all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide." And they say they never inspected the hacked servers.

When we last checked in on these COINTELPRO and would-be MLK killers ("kill yourself, Dr. King," they wrote him. "Dream on," he replied.), who are legends at f*cking with democracy, they were seemingly working with the Intelligence Community (IC) to hurt Trump real bad -- like Mike hurt Carlo -- by connecting him with the Russians. Seven ways to Sunday. You touch my Democracy again, I'll kill ya., they seemed to say.

And now Trump is in trouble again. The MSM are hoiking him into his own spittoon. He's been said to have in his possession at Mar-a-Lago Top Secret plans on nucularities, Details are skimpy. The way DJ likes them. (Erdogan is said to be sh*tting himself with laughter, knowing that DJ is fit to be tied and would probably like to machinegun-Khoshoggi the press at home.) Imagine DJ caught Red-handed with plans to blow up the world! But Jeff Bezos' daily darkness killing WaPo was hedging. highly placed Anonymous sources. Voice of God reporting.

The feds were at it again -- through WaPo -- just as they had been 50 years ago when they "broke open" Watergate, one of their Associate Directors "whistleblowing" as Deep Throat, and us not being told that had Nixon appointed him director to replace the dead Hoover Mark Felt never woulda finked on Nixon. Damn. That's a whole lotta lights out on Democracy, in my humble O. But who axed for my beeswax?

The big development out of the virtual panty raid on Trump's estate is the justification of it by the Espionage Act of 1917. A net effect of employing the Act for this situation is to burnish the reputation of the politically-motivated and anti-democratic legislation that allows for no defense. Aye. If they take Trump in under the EP, he 's going to Supermax, Colorado to hobnob with the Unibomber. But the real hoot here is that:

Attorney General Merrick Garland said Thursday that he could not discuss the investigation. But in an unusual public statement at the Justice Department, he announced he had personally authorized the decision to seek court permission for a search warrant.

The AG now was Obama's choice for the Supreme Court who got nixed by the Repugnicans. Maybe Obama, who some say is an asset (wink), sicked his own doggie dog on DJ's ass as payback for the birther crisis. Woof.

Burnishing the Espionage Act so close to Julian Assange's relatively-expected deportation to the USA gives the impression, in a clown suit kind of way, that America is willing to take out people who would make America great again, too. Not just the hidden agenda types from countries without a Bill of Rights. Hell, maybe the whole thing's a prep for Assange. Right now, I can't get anyone to conspire with me on that theory.

Well, Trump's no Julius or Ethel Rosenberg -- they had values. You can read about the whole thing in E. L. Doctorow's Book of Daniel. I welled up to think that.

I dunno. Since I'm out stretching, maybe the whole Ukraine-Taiwan thing is an attempt to get Fast Eddy Snowden.

Expect a real hoot of an October Surprise this year with so much power at stake. Maybe we'll impeach Trump again, for a third time, while Nancy is still in office. That would be a hoot and the networks would have yet another chance to milk their favorite cash cow, teat DJ Trump.

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John Kendall Hawkins is an American ex-pat freelance journalist and poet currently residing in Oceania.

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