Donald Trump:
The Moscovite Candidate?
I learned two things during the presidential debate of June 2024, of which few people are speaking about, but the statements are of a rattling magnitude. I already knew Joe Biden was old and I was already aware that Donald Trump is incapable of coherency and honesty except by way of insults and insulting ideas.
I already knew that opportunity for substance was going to have to take place in two-minute templates and one-minute retorts. I was surprised that the moderators were not going to present follow up questions, instead it appeared they could have been replaced with robotic speech for there was no investigative questions and no challenge to the piles of manure posing as answers. It is hard to blame them because the amount of excrement was indeed hard to keep up with let alone pile up properly.
Joe Biden looked both old and also flabbergasted by the excremental diversity of Trump's propositions which he used to make reference to non-related and decent ideas. Trumps skill at presenting a foundation of sand and manure to then equate to decent ideas is profound. And I believe left most of The US and world agape with astoundment. I believe the amount of excrement floated upon that stage explains why the following two statements have not been more eloquently and more critically questioned and explored.
Donald Trump called Joe Biden a Manchurian Candidate, suggesting that Communist China somehow has Joe Bident by the psyche and that he serves The CCP. Now we all know that Donald Trump is easily understood as someone who projects his faults and his crimes upon other parties. So was Donald Trump projecting his collusion with foreign powers? His possession of extensive secret documents when it was also well known he did not read daily briefings is highly suspect in relation to his foreign servitude or his seeking to use information to carry influence.
The more important thing I learned, which the moderators did not notice amidst the funneling spew, provides a glimpse into the mind of two manure spewers of the world. Trump revealed his communication with Putin and that it was Putin's dream to invade Ukraine. And that he wouldn't have followed his dream if Trump were president because trump strong, or some such other utter crap. Now this certainly could be more imaginary flim flam trumpery made up by Trump, however we really should take a look around. It certainly would appear that Trump is Putin's little affluent asset.
Serious questions need to be asked here beginning with did Putin tell Trump his dream was to invade Ukraine before Trump was impeached? Impeached because he was using the withholding of pledged assistance to Ukraine to get Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden. And obviously Putin told him this before the invasion. Why is Putin telling Trump his dream? If Putin wanted to invade Ukraine before 2022 no one can carry the collectivist invader idea that the invaders are fighting nazis and NATO aggression. The theft of Ukrainian life, liberty and property was arguably planned since 1991 without this knowledge though. Serious questions need to be asked here, but the manure pile is very deep and needs to be cleared, I guess.
The very next day Trump had a rally in Virginia and look who his plane parked next to, the Russian Diplomatic plane. As if they had tea and a planned meeting. It really is collectivism versus liberty and the collectivists have a really nice club, apparently.
The critical statement, Putin's dream of invading Ukraine
The planes parked next to each other