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By Laura Clawson, Daily Kos Staff
To the pundits who have spent four years looking for Donald Trump to "pivot" or "change tone" or "become the president": Do you give up yet?
Trump is going out as he came in: as a rude, abusive, bullying boor with no ability to even pretend to decency. Trump is bitter that Joe Biden's inauguration will feature actual celebrities instead of the D-listers he drew. He's not even pretending to do the job he technically holds until noon on Wednesday. His aides are trying to keep him from venting his temper in public -- a job that's a lot easier since he's been banned from most social media platforms.
And he and wife Melania are comprehensively snubbing President-elect Joe and Dr. Jill Biden. Trump spent his early time in the White House marveling that former President Barack Obama had been so welcoming, from personal meetings to a handwritten letter left in the Oval Office. Trump, of course, will do none of that. He hasn't acknowledged that Biden beat him (like a drum), and he's not welcoming the Bidens on Inauguration Day or attending the inauguration -- making him the first president in 150 years to refuse to attend his successor's inauguration. As for a handwritten letter, I think we all know how likely it is that Trump would write one of those to anyone, let alone the guy who beat him.
Melania has echoed her husband, refusing to have Jill Biden to the White House for a tour and welcome. Be best!
Trump will leave the White House early Wednesday, going to a celebration of himself he's arranged at Joint Base Andrews -- a celebration for which aides are desperately trying to assemble an audience big enough to avoid another temper tantrum -- and then to Mar-a-Lago. Once at Mar-a-Lago, he will presumably sleep in an actual bedroom, whereas at the White House, Melania has reportedly had the real presidential bedroom suite, while "Donald Trump slept in his own bedroom, which was previously a study or den during other administrations," a source told CNN.
The Bidens will spend the afternoon of Inauguration Day at a ceremonial wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery, attended also by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama. During that time, a deep-deep-cleaning of the White House will be completed and the Bidens' belongings moved in, including reverting back to a shared bedroom for the first couple.