Well like it or not, Donald John Trump is America's President #45.
A sleeping giant has awoken and hasn't spoken, but has screamed. And the new face of an evolved America is now screaming back with slogans like "Donald Trump Is A Pig," "Donald Trump Will Never Be My President," "DONALD TRUMP CLOWN UNIVERSITY," "in-SANITY," "The Donald is a Dolt," "FU Trump," "Human Dignity Now," and other off-the-cuff political credos. And these nasty phrases have even become some of the names of Facebook groups.
Some of these social media factions have only a few hundred members and some are "secret" groups. But others have tens of thousands of members, and are "public" with a few of the biggest having hundreds of thousands of members. Will social media become our fifth branch of government, after the Executive Presidency, the judiciary, Congress, and the mainstream media? I don't know, but it's certainly on its way.
It's not Trump's arrogance that bothers me. And the pigmentation of his skin and hair - that sickly orange - doesn't take me aback much, either. He could be purple, pink, or even polka dotted and I'd see a fit. Neither is it his proclivity to attack people, and sometimes these people belong to a large group - like Latinos, the physically disabled, women, liberals, the media, combat veterans, other top politicians, even other Republicans - alarming or upsetting; and let's not leave out the LGBT community. Nope. Trump could begin some sort of hobby of desecrating graves and I wouldn't be surprised. I've conditioned myself to his antics and his misbehavior.
No, what really worries me about Donald Trump is his unpredictability. He's crazy. A true nutcase.
And Trump's unpredictability and craziness have spawned an ocean of unpredictability and craziness throughout our country. Nothing this man can and will do will shock me anymore. Conversely, nothing the masses do in reaction to the Trumpster's actions will shock me, either. Just like we learned a long time ago in high school chemistry class: "Every action results in an equal and opposite reaction." Well, even though Trump says he doesn't believe much in science, if he's watching what's going on in his subjugated constituency coast to coast, he has to at least give a nod to this scientific fact. Protests and riots everywhere. Some radical lefties even calling for his impeachment as President Elect. My big question is, what's going to be happening when he and the rest of the Addams Family take up space and add weight to the White House? And oh, there's been talk that the new First Lady doesn't like the austerity of the Executive Mansion much, and that her husband plans to rule as "Commander In Tweets" from a posh penthouse or a sprawling mansion in a warm, sunny, heavenly place.
Elvis has left the building and all that . . . . And a street person has sauntered into the operating room and is now performing open heart surgery on what will soon be a corpse.
Trump could be a closet pyromaniac, among a litany of other things he's already displayed, and it wouldn't be much of a surprise. At least to me. I have buckled myself into my roller coaster seat and I am ready for a very rough and scary ride. No frills, no thrills, just a very sick feeling in my stomach and a longing to get the hell off this amusement park monster ASAP.
Yes, if the New York Times, CNN, or the Associated Press came out with reports that it has been Donald Trump who has set three dozen wildfires throughout the Southeast in the very recent past, I'd believe it. I mean, why wouldn't I?
Didn't that video of the bus scene with Billy Bush hit you like a jackpot of insanity lighting up a slot machine? Could you believe the words - the profane descriptive phrases Trump used with Billy Bush to describe how he really treats, objectifies, and feels about women? Wasn't it shocking hearing what he said about U.S. Sen. John McCain not being a war hero? Didn't you gasp when he shook all over, rolled his eyes around in his head like a dying animal, and drooled when he mocked a disabled news reporter?
Well, friends and neighbors, these are just signs of what is to come. It's good to have low expectations, or even no expectations, right now. And quit using Twitter, open an account here on Opednews, send Rob Kall a modest personal check to bolster your mojo - believe me, a "Supporter" membership package for a year will cost you less than it takes to feed you and the kiddoes at a fast food restaurant. And for gawd's sakes, quit tweeting. It's something birds, Trumpenfuhrers, and sadistic eighth graders do.
Even if you just contribute with comments below the writers' stories and pen an occasional diary and send it our way, it's a big step up between all those misspelled words with hashtags abounding. Get real. Get with the program. Join the liberal-progressive army. Let's start slaying some fire breathing dragons instead of having them chase us all over the place. Our time has come. I'd go on but I'm out of gas and it's time for my afternoon nap. . . .