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Donald Trump, the fictional one, deserves to be elected President

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Al Rodbell
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File:US Navy 090120-A-9759M-218 Military leaders of the U.S. Armed ...
File:US Navy 090120-A-9759M-218 Military leaders of the U.S. Armed ...
(Image by (From Wikimedia) U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Adelita C. Mead, Author: U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Adelita C. Mead)
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To understand why a third of Americans want Trump to be President, it's best to see him as they do, accepting that this single individual's explanation of events are true, while what we get from the mass media of all stripes are part of the world wide conspiracy of lies.

He now states that he opposed the invasion of Iraq before it began, so vividly that it seems he now believes it really did happen as he claims. Here's why it is so real in his mind. He knows, as the American public should, that if he had the passion against the war that he now describes, if he did foresee the chaos it would leave in its path with hundreds of thousands dead and displaced, he was the one man who could have launched an opposition that may have energized the anti-war movement from the Right, in a way that could have possibly changed the course of history.

Let me take a step back to my own memory of an event during that period of his life that shows his ability to manipulate not only the City of New York, but the major organizations of retired members of the military . It shows how he only thought of this as a means of personal self aggrandizement without even a fleeting thought about the benefit of our country or civilization itself.

I was part of crowd viewing what the New York Times described as . ...."the largest military parade since WWII along Fifth Avenue of New York City on Veterans Day 1995."

Planes roared overhead, tanks rumbled by, cannons boomed salutes and church bells pealed across the city and the nation as huge crowds turned out and more than 33,000 marchers -- led by Medal of Honor winners and veterans of many conflicts -- joined the Nation's Parade, the official culmination of four years of celebrations marking the Second World War's 50th anniversary.

I felt there was something very wrong with who was taking salutes as the Grand Marshall of this parade. Donald Trump had amassed a fortune, and like most who do, it was not by being a self effacing nice guy. This man whose closest participation in the U.S. Military was the uniform he wore in prep school, had the audacity, and charisma to take a place usually reserved for Medal of Honor winners or heads of state. He received the salutes of those who risked their lives, were maimed and suffered in combat against our enemies, without any shame at all.

From the same N.Y. Times article:

Also in the reviewing stand was the developer Donald Trump, who provided the only note of controversy in an otherwise positive day. Many veterans were angry that organizers had agreed to name Mr. Trump, who is not a veteran, as grand marshal in exchange for his contribution of $200,000 and help in raising additional funds.

After 911, Trump was never the man he now describes as the "antiwar activist," yet he has become so intoxicated with adulation of his supporters that he now knows that mere lies will not change their love of him. (He knows that his besotted supporters will not even be deterred, when it's his own words that belie his current claim- see end of this essay) He expressed this clearly at a recent campaign speech when he said, almost incredulously, "I could take a gun and shoot a (random innocent) person on fifth avenue, (bang, he demonstrates) and I wouldn't lose a vote. The people love me!"

This story of his trying to stop the Iraq invasion has been jumped on by the media like no other, as he then expanded on his fantasy of anti-Iraq war protester by turning on the the entire George W. Bush administration. Politicians change their minds all the time, or find ways of explaining a position that had seemed like a requirement for long term political viability, such as voting for the 2002 Iraq War Resolution. Those such as John Kerry and Hillary Clinton who had such aspirations, at least both acknowledge their actions then with regret for their error.

Trump, while amazing on one level, but true to his character, is doubling down, not only revising his own recent words where he publicly acknowledged he only turned against the war when it started to bog down during the occupation, but now challenging everyone, Republican, Democrat or independent, every who refuses to line up to drink in his delusion that he is courageously leading a battle against the world wide media conspiracy that goes under the false flag of "reality."

I remember my own feeble efforts against the Iraq war in front of a few thousand people in the audience in Cannon park in Carlsbad CA, as the country was counting down for the invasion. People had parked their cars dozens of blocks away to walk to this demonstration, and I waited with those who wanted to speak. I got the microphone and my anger at what was our country was about to be led into overcome any self consciousness. I started by quoted the statistic that something like half of Americans believed that Iraq was responsible of 9-11. And asked, "Was it Iraq who attacked us on 911?" The crowd roared back, "No." I felt the passion of those united against this illegal, immoral invasion.. After a couple more such calls and response, I felt I had not only expressed my feelings, but led the audience in shouting out theirs. It felt good, yet I was aware of the futility of my efforts and those thousands in the park.

There were rallies like this held not only across the country, but throughout the world. Millions joined in, but one individual with the wealth, media savvy and misguided respect from the military, had he the will to use it, just may have made a difference. Just as he was able to be the linchpin that organized the largest military parade in the history of New York City he could have organized such as an anti-war parade. And those who knew the suffering of combat would have joined in with him. And that man, someone with such courage, the fictional creation of those who have become cynical over decades of the obfuscation of political discourse, may well have been the person who two decades later is worthy of being elected President of this country.

But the actual man, Donald J. Trump, did nothing to prevent this war. And as such, tacitly supported this illegal immoral war for regime change that lit a fire of then unknown consequences, with the dire effects now becoming tragically clear.


His own words from last years debate where he gives the date of his opposition to the war 16 months after it began:

"In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war in Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East," he said at the Aug. 6 Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News. "I am the only one on this stage who knew that and had the vision to say it. And that's exactly what happened. The region became totally destabilized."

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Retired Commercial Printing Executive, developer of I.T. systems for the industry. Advanced degrees in Social Psychology, now living in Southern California
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