Put into place 11 years ago in 2009: "The laying of the infrastructure and legislative framework for the implementation of Medical Martial Law in any declared public health emergence."
"As the lockdowns go into place and the military takes to the streets in country after country, the decades of preparation for medical martial law are finally paying off for the pandemic planners."
"Today on this emergency edition of The Corbett Report podcast, James lays out the steps that have led us to the brink of martial law and the steps that are being taken to implement it now. Please help to spread this important information and to raise awareness of the crisis that we are facing."
This Corbett report is loaded with good and very important information from start to finish, about what is really going on:
Corbett Report - Medical Marshal Law 2020
(Coronavirus put us in check. Will Medical Martial Law be the Checkmate move? Not checkmate, but it won't be long. There will be more moves to make before the final lockdown.)
(Note: Commons Search is giving me problems. If I get it figured out, I will replace the link with the embedded video.)