They are both so brutal and have such low regard for the lives of their own people that they might survive the hell that they have created .Although, It is for sure that they will never be able to sleep a night in piece again, as at any moment they might have an event on their hands which could cause their down fall.
The major error that both of them made was spending the entire energy of their countries on their armed forces and security. They totally relied on selling oil as their main source of economy. They both permitted the oligarchies around them to steal everything and anything with no regard to well being of their masses.
When Putin invaded Ukraine I thought the Russian army is going to take over Kiev in two days. I guess all readers remember those days of last winter when thousands and thousands of Russian troops were gathering around the Ukrainian borders in perfect arrangement, indicating that this is going to be a very well troop movement for a decisive invasion. However, the fifty mile line of tanks and guns could not move because they did not have enough fuel and were stopped by bravery of Ukrainians who would use anti-tank weapons so effectively that the entire columns would stop .The great invasion turned into the worst a** kicking war of attrition , and Zelenskyy became Time magazine's Man of the Year.
Khamenei made very similar errors .He took his power as the religious leader of all Shiites of the world for granted and with a grandiose illusion continued on spending the countries revenues in making missiles, A Bomb , security forces and chasing the delusion of surrounding the entire Middle East , kicking out the U.S and destroying Israel.
His followers loved him so much they would wright poetry about him. The butt kissers built shrines where ever he would sit for a few minutes to rest. His personal security were 15000 well paid well trained ultra-religious people who would die for him.
In this process he alienated every country in the world, caused 10% of population who were the brains and the rich to bail out of the country. He imposed the religious laws of 1400 years ago on the country. He kicked all of the voices of decent in the country, out of the government.
Suddenly he was faced with the rebellion of women and teenagers who had nothing to lose.He keeps his troops moving from one part of the country to another with the use of most potent variations of amphetamine to no avail. Finally he resorted to hanging kids who were only guilty of peaceful demonstrations.
What future has for the Dumb and the dumber is anyone's guess.
(Article changed on Dec 16, 2022 at 3:55 AM EST)