How can a supposedly good, practicing Christian evangelical, which Sarah Palin is supposed to be, join herself to a ticket with John McCain, whose very life is the complete opposite of what of a practicing Christian should be partaking of? John McCain is a documented adulterer, fornicator, liar, slanderer, thief and an enemy of poor people, of whom God said in the Bible, “he (or she) who hates the poor insults his (her) maker," and "the wicked lies in wait for the poor (to ensnare them)".
McCain, until this year’s presidential campaign, has not only consistently voted against helping the poor and middle class, but he even harshly criticized and bashed some very prominent evangelical, fundamental Christian leaders who took issue with McCain’s politics in years past. Even though they have become 'reconciled' now (to the shame of these 'leaders' who threw their lot in with this thief and oppressor of poor people, for the sake of putting their party ahead of their flocks and their country) set a bad example making up with McCain, whose wickedness they rightly decried, back in 2000. If I’m not mistaken, I believe he had a run in with Jerry Falwell and I am not sure if maybe Pat Robertson, I don’t remember.
But back to my point. McCain also shows lack of integrity in many ways: for example, he stabs colleagues in the back in the Senate when it suits him, and then he changes and revises and lies about what he stood for after having said it in the past, and covers up what he has done and tries to change his record and history with lies. First he was against the Bush tax cuts of 2000 and now, to pander to the right wing, he is for them. He also abandoned his fellow POW-MIA's and berated their families when he should have shown loyalty and helped them.
McCain has been and still is up to his eyeballs in crooked friends and lobbyists who are the heart and soul of the McCain campaign. He doesn’t support the troops even though a number of evangelicals have children fighting in Afghanistan and/or Iraq. He voted against body armor for the troops, voted against better pay, voted against improving VA hospials, and voted against the recently introduced 'GI Bill of Rights'. John McCain has voted against benefits for veterans over and over. He has been involved in defrauding taxpayers in the Keating 5 scandal and with real estate developer Donald R. Diamond, with convicted crook Jack Abramoff and "christian" shakedown artist, Ralph Reed....the list goes on.....John McCain doesn’t care about the poor, and makes jokes about 5 million dollars being the beginning of being ‘rich’; His prescription for the mortgage crisis, he said not long ago, is for people to get a third job.
John McCain says he’s against abortion but he doesn't mind turning right around and advocating extended, bankrupting war (he is a rabid warmonger). How is it consistent to worship the Prince of Peace when he acts like the Prince of Darkness and lies and fosters continual violence based on a lie (the War in Iraq)? How can a Christian man be all exorcised about saving a fetus (that might be OK if he were consistent) but then sends adults with a life history and a future ahead of them to their deaths all for a cause that has been proven over and over to be born of a lie?
Now the the Bible talks about the man ruled by the flesh, saying that the wicked man, among other things, is a whoremonger, is quick to anger, is selfish, is quick to run to violence, is full of contentious divisiveness, does not keep his feet at home but has commited adultery over and over again. Lastly, the Word of God condemns the wicked man who thinks it is like sport to hurt others and then says “I was only joking.” (“Bomb, bomb bomb, bomb-bomb Iran” (ha ha ha ha ha).
John McCain disregards several Biblical injunctions of Jesus to be a peace maker, not be swift to shoot off his mouth, swift to anger, swift to run to destruction; Jesus even told Peter to put up his sword, and He said also that if his kingdom were of this world his disciples would have fought so he should not be captured.
The Apostle Paul said “our weapons (us christians) are not carnal (of this world) but spiritual to the pulling down of strongholds.” And the Apostle Paul said ‘bless and curse not' but John McCain is quick to anger, quick to curse, quick to wage war, an hypocrite, a liar, a slanderer, an idolator (he worships money: owns 7 houses). He will give our country more heartache, just like George W. Bush did, and he will even do worse and give bigger tax cuts to the rich and start the draft if he gets into office, via press manipulation and vote fraud.
Jesus said: "Satan is a liar and the Father of it." He said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning." So is not Satan the spiritual father of John McCain if McCain advocates and does all these ungodly things. He is not saved, but he walks in the flesh and does many evil works like oppressing the fatherless and the widow, slanders those better than himself, lies for political gain, is a truce breaker and betrayer of the people he enters into agreement with. Even the name, "Satan," describes what John McCain is doing in his current political campaign. “Satan” means "the slanderer" or the "accuser." That is John McCain, that's his middle name and his ID card: he is full of self, dishonest, uses flattery and adulation to hide his false pride, and he is a two-faced hypocritical liar. He was not even born in this country but in Panama, while Obama WAS born in the USA, in Hawaii. So John McCain is not Amerian born and he is not born again even as he points his finger at Barack Obama disingenuously. He curses and uses the “F” word and the “C” word and disrespects women. He dumped his first wife and has called his current wife a “trollop” and that “C” word in public. In fact, he is far and away the most unsaved, un-Christian candidate running.
So how can Sarah Palin throw her purse and her lot in and, in a business sense be unequally paired, with a man whose life evinces constant works of the flesh? How is she able, with good conscience to be a party to adultery, drinking, cursing, bribery, siding with the rich and bearing false witness? Christians who read the whole Bible and don’t just selectively follow the parts of it they pick and choose from, should see a big red flag when they are supporting John McCain. Even his stance on being anti-abortion was a recent addition he made to his policies because he wanted to pander to the right wing and wanted to hoodwink the evangelicals into voting for him by covering up his true nature.
So let the evangelicals, the so-called true Christians who fancy themselves to be completely obedient under the Bible, the inerrant Word of God …I want them to tell me just WHERE in the Bible could you point to and tell me that John McCain's life and lifestyle could be called "Christian?" I don't care if he goes to church or not. Being in church doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a garage makes you a car.
John McCain is a terrible, evil man who depends on lying spin doctors, cozying up to evil people and doing the bidding of the rich and powerful. In the book of James in the New Testament, the half brother of Jesus asks “why do you (Christians) side with the rich, seeing that they drag you before the judgment seat? Their (wealth) will eat their skin as if by fire on the day of judgment.”
John McCain would say anything or do anything to get power. That is not the portrait of a good man. Do you want to vote for a son of Satan for President? You will be if you vote for McCain.
There are way too many more important things that matter to the survival of our country, and for evangelicals to ignore the glaring inconsistencies and flaws in McCain’s character, his statements and platform, disregard the bad example of John McCain and completely follow a man whose life shows the opposite nature and direction to what a believer's ought to follow, a man who ignores the commands of God in the Bible, then pretends to believe them...This evangelical pro-right wing devotion to John McCain’s ticket is disgustingly pharisaical and hypocritical.
I don’t see how Sarah Palin and her evangelical brethren and sisteren can just stand by and watch the charade happen and keep silent and not notice how John McCain lacks any characteristics of a Christian. Sarah Palin is throwing in her lot with a thief and a liar and it says in the book of Proverbs NOT to do that. So even from an evangelical perspective, John McCain’s candidacy is on the WRONG SIDE OF GOD.