I was voter number 838 Sunday afternoon, Oct. 26, at the Government Center in Monticello, N.Y.. Row A, Kamala Harris and Democrats, all the way. "Yes" on New York State Proposition One extending protection against discrimination in several categories including pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes -- Democrats' preemptive effort to thwart possible Republican efforts to enact a national abortion ban.
Republicans have forfeited any chance of consideration at the ballot box with their full-throated and conscience-free embrace of all things Trump, punctuated by the all-out salute to hatred and bigotry at his Sunday night Madison Square Garden rally. An utterly despicable display.
In contrast, it was a pleasure casting the vote Sunday. A sunny afternoon. Lots of parking. No lines. Plenty of helpful volunteer poll workers. Name, address, signature. Smooth as silk. Well done, Sullivan.
Of course, this is precisely the kind of thing Republicans have been trying to dismantle across the country -- orderly, honest, uncomplicated voting. For all. When that happens everywhere, they tend to lose nationally because their policies don't sit well with many Americans. Especially for the past decade when their only policy has been to oppose anything Democrats propose. It's hard to run a two-party system of government that way.
That's why Trump and the MAGAs want it their way: one ruler with absolute power and a bunch of flunkies to make it happen. Essentially eliminate all marginalized citizens -- non-white, non-straight, non-Christian -- who might expect support from their government by eliminating their vote and the votes of those who support the concept of equal rights and opportunity (those Trump calls "the enemy within").
It wasn't that long ago that women were on that list of marginalized citizens. Not anymore. They have the vote and tend to vote in larger numbers than men. They have a candidate this year who understands their concerns and those of the citizens who were targets of ugly "jokes" and comments in Madison Square Garden Sunday night.
Early voting numbers are up in many areas of the country where it hasn't always been as easy as it was in Monticello Sunday afternoon. I'd like to think it's a positive sign for Kamala Harris and those who want to protect and preserve democracy in America.
Vote like your freedom depends on it.