Kevin Zeese gets some well deserved recognition for his work to disbar the Bush/Cheney torture lawyers. Zeese is a multi tasking hero/advocate who takes on many issues. He is one of the "Baucus Eight" who were arrested at the Senate Finance hearings for calling upon the Senate to let Single Payer Healthcare have a seat at the table. In his "spare time," Zeese is also a verified voting activist. Then Zeese stuck his neck out again on another issue close to the heart and conscience of the US public - torture. Kevin Zeese is seeking to have the Bush Cheney torture attorneys disbarred. For that, Buzzflash recognized Zeese with the Wings of Justice Award.
"It's important to realize that there are some people making advances in the accountability department. Kevin Zeese is one of those people."
Read all about it and see video at the link