(Article changed on November 4, 2012 at 21:35)
(Article changed on November 4, 2012 at 10:52)
(Washington, DC) Our elections are officially privatized. They are hidden from our view by design.
On November 6, your votes will be cast and tallied on voting machines manufactured and serviced by private companies. The computerized voting machines run on software that is closely held as a trade secret by these companies. Our elections officials are barred from examining the most important aspects of the software. Why? Because those same officials signed away our right to open access and inspection of the voting systems that tell us who won and who lost each and every election. (Image: WikiCommons)
This is the most profound election fraud imaginable. It affects every citizen, all 311 million of us.
Privatization occurred without our knowledge or consent. Was our vote cast and counted properly? We have no way of knowing. Can we observe vote tallying at precincts and central tabulation locations? Not likely. If you could, what good would it do to watch an encased computer running indecipherable software? This violates prohibitions against secret vote counting in many state constitutions. Our elected officials could not care less.
But wholesale election fraud began long before voting and tallying machines entered the picture. That will be discussed at the end of the article.
As we approach November 6, it is important to understand two major sources of current election fraud.
The Amazing Anomaly and Vote Flipping for Romney - 102 Electoral Voted at Risk
A hard working team of volunteer researchers and analysts gathered raw data, precinct votes, for the 2012 Republican primaries. Rigorous statistical analysis showed a specific pattern of suspected vote flipping that lead to highly improbable victories for Romney. This was termed the amazing anomaly by the research team.
Urban Density was factored out of the analysis, yet the anomaly remained. All precinct-level demographics available were tested to see if they could cause such an anomaly to no avail. Again, this amazing anomaly remained in the results.
Vote flipping involves exchanging votes from one candidate to another or several others. It is a clever way to benefit a candidate, victimize his or her opponents, while at the same time keeping the precinct vote totals the same. The researchers discovered that often, election officials count and compare only precinct totals with the Central Tabulator count. This simple, yet highly effective fraud strategy could have been undetected for years. In state after state, allegedly because of vote flipping, Romney showed unexplainable increases from the smallest to largest precincts. The process was outlined recently in two articles: Rigged Elections for Romney? 10/22/12 and Part II - Rigged elections for Romney? 11/1/12.
The following eight states represent 102 electoral votes. They all have two things in common. They are tossup/battleground states and they all showed clear signs vote flipping during the Republican primaries, always in Romney's favor. Romney won six of the states (seven if you include his Iowa win, which was reversed). These states will deploy in the Nov.6 general election the same voting machines, central tabulators, and election officials and their partners, staff from the private voting machine companies.
Here is the pattern found in the states above and others. The pattern was always in Romney's favor. How likely is that?
The graph of the Ohio primary below shows Romney's increases from smallest to largest precincts. The probability of that pattern is an amazing anomaly since it is so improbable, statistical packages cannot estimate such a small probability; they round it down to ZERO. In other words impossible. As you can see, Romney's vote accumulation accelerates while Rick Santorum's and Ron Paul's decline. At the end of the day, typical of Ohio's close elections, Romney's gains, the green line, pass over Santorum's totals for a 12,000 vote victory. Had Romney failed to gain 5.42% of the total vote through suspected vote flipping, he would have lost the Ohio primary. (See chart for details of election shift from vote flipping.)
Graph from Francois et al. research team.
Download of Excel for Ohio statewide precinct analysis
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