Sometimes one can infer more from what's missing than from what's presented.
I guess I'm still basically innocent and naive.
Thinking that the New York Times would offer a more comprehensive and accurate view, I paid the fifteen dollar a month price of admission to the online subscription. But as the days wore on and the election approached, I was astonished to see a whole lot of front page coverage of the GOP candidate who shall not be named. "OK," I thought, "they have to cover all sides, and also broaden their appeal to broaden their revenue, especially since NY Times' finances are so shaky." But then I tried submitting stories they hadn't covered to their news- Email address removed address. Stories that were fully documented and legitimate news which fell on the side of evidence against the GOP worldview and documented information in support of still controversial mainline news. Not only was the Times failing to cover these news items, but after being reminded by my own emails, they still stubbornly refused.
To make a long story short, among the news missing were:
The 30 year horror of oil spills in Nigeria
The sinkhole in Louisiana
The coverup of whales killed by the BP Gulf disaster
The extended solitary confinement of Bradley Manning
The Romney family's vote-counting company
Romney's windfall profits from the auto bailout
The collapse of a huge oil storage tank on Arthur Kill, New Jersey
So I turned to my old sidekick in subversive activities, Op Ed News, in order to expose the blatant mismanagement of information by the nation's leading news source. The fix is evidently in, folks. Sure, Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Christie have said nice things about the President recently but that was just to curry favor with the common people. Real hard-hitting stories about the corporate oligarchy are not getting out, even in the mighty Grey Lady.
So when the fix is in, when nobody will print the fact the BP is dumping toxic sludge from its Gary, Indiana refinery, sludge containing mercury, cadmuim and lead-- all proven neurotoxins, into Lake Michigan, the source of drinking water for twenty million people,the fix is in, and you can tell more about the coming election from what's missing in mainstream news that from what's presented. Goebbels and von Ribbentrop have taught Karl Rove well, and even the NY Times knows which side its bread is buttered on.
I guess I'm still basically innocent and naive.
Thinking that the New York Times would offer a more comprehensive and accurate view, I paid the fifteen dollar a month price of admission to the online subscription. But as the days wore on and the election approached, I was astonished to see a whole lot of front page coverage of the GOP candidate who shall not be named. "OK," I thought, "they have to cover all sides, and also broaden their appeal to broaden their revenue, especially since NY Times' finances are so shaky." But then I tried submitting stories they hadn't covered to their news- Email address removed address. Stories that were fully documented and legitimate news which fell on the side of evidence against the GOP worldview and documented information in support of still controversial mainline news. Not only was the Times failing to cover these news items, but after being reminded by my own emails, they still stubbornly refused.
To make a long story short, among the news missing were:
The 30 year horror of oil spills in Nigeria
The sinkhole in Louisiana
The coverup of whales killed by the BP Gulf disaster
The extended solitary confinement of Bradley Manning
The Romney family's vote-counting company
Romney's windfall profits from the auto bailout
The collapse of a huge oil storage tank on Arthur Kill, New Jersey
So I turned to my old sidekick in subversive activities, Op Ed News, in order to expose the blatant mismanagement of information by the nation's leading news source. The fix is evidently in, folks. Sure, Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Christie have said nice things about the President recently but that was just to curry favor with the common people. Real hard-hitting stories about the corporate oligarchy are not getting out, even in the mighty Grey Lady.
So when the fix is in, when nobody will print the fact the BP is dumping toxic sludge from its Gary, Indiana refinery, sludge containing mercury, cadmuim and lead-- all proven neurotoxins, into Lake Michigan, the source of drinking water for twenty million people,the fix is in, and you can tell more about the coming election from what's missing in mainstream news that from what's presented. Goebbels and von Ribbentrop have taught Karl Rove well, and even the NY Times knows which side its bread is buttered on.