A machine whose heart is a compact nuclear reactor circulating liquid lithium at 2,000 degrees F. through a rotating face that melts a tunnel 40 feet in diameter; even injecting magma into fractures in bedrock for extreme solidity, sealing the tunnel with a glassy lining, and leaving no excavated material behind.
Imagine a subterrene.
The nuclear subterrene was born at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Patents were taken out in the 70s. And since their mission is a menace to public interest, subterrenes have been minimized from public awareness.
Deep Underground Military Bases
DUMBs for short. Two baseline questions regarding whether or not DUMBs actually exist:
-- Do the elite command the technology to create underground cities connected by supersonic Maglev trains?
-- Are the elite psychopathic enough to intentionally disrupt Earth's life-support system?
People in thrall of establishment power are sloppy with the American-fantasy terms "freedom" and "democracy". Then there are people more aware of America as a (theoretical) republic, with liberty and justice, depending... and some who even understand that America is a classic pathocracy.
In his book, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Andrzei Lobaczewski defines pathocracy as:
"A system of government created for a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people."
"Normal" people, in this context, are those with a conscience, a soul.
It can be difficult for a person of conscience to relate to psychopaths... difficult to understand the zero shame, and selfishness all the way to not wanting to share their planet with human garbage.
Psychopaths also benefit from the vague public notion of "What comes around goes around". Who would attack the environment, propagate poverty, misery and death, and a radioactive future--who would deliberately devastate their own nest?
Underground DUMBs connected by supersonic train systems are a tender topic for the elite. So their mainstream corporate media (MSM) buries DUMBs and the supporting black-operations (Black-Ops) budget. Never a peep.
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