Super Bowl XLVIII Preparations at MetLife Stadium January 31, 2014Owner: Anthony Quintano
(Image by Anthony Quintano) Details DMCA
Inside Kabul, and elsewhere, American, and allied troops from all forty nations of majority Caucasian populations, have lived well fed in comfortable quarters. Within occupied Kabul there are the extremely opulent homes of the officials and friends of the corrupt government that includes infamous drug lords [3] who are protected by these well fed foreign armed forces.
For thirteen years these invading Americans have protected an openly admitted corrupt Quisling government imposed with phony elections under US led military occupation, and have protected as well, traitorous war lords from the fighters of the previous US overthrown Taliban government (which is actually still governing in at least half the territory of Afghanistan.)[3] Americans have killed uncounted tens of thousands of Afghanis who fight their nation's occupation as Afghanis always have done. (Afghanis fought the British Empire for a century.) In the process America has also brought death to 20,000 Afghani unarmed civilians mostly women and children just in the five years the UN reported between 2007-2011. As a side show we Americans have let these thousand, or thousands, of children starve and freeze to death (while dispatching not a few others with drone missile strikes).
F**k our Super Bowls!
The sports entertained American public has paid no mind to the year in year out suffering of these Afghani children, just as it paid no mind to uncomfortable photos and news reels of dead Korean babies or Vietnamese napalmed children running naked down burning village streets, or piles of dead - children's cadavers without heads arms - printed in foreign publications after the American Blitzkrieg of Iraq .
So f**k Super Bowls, World Series and NBA Championships and university league games as well!
American peacenik and antiwarnik journalists and organizations have never made much trouble for media's promotion of false, ignorant and criminal patriotism at these sporting events, hailed and ballyhooed as an honorable and loyal show of patriotism.
One can expect the football field will be covered by a super gigantic American flag, a symbol of horrible death, maiming and destruction to the millions of Asians, who have survived high altitude patterned carpet bombing - senseless deafening explosions of flying metal in every direction. Repeat f**k our Super Bowl!
There will be jet war planes roaring and streaking over the stadium, also reminding of the US planes that bombed and strafed innocent populations and flew in the skies above Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Libya and tiny Grenada. F**k the Super Bowl.
Just before kickoff, we'll hear a stirringly sung perhaps strident rendition of the Star Spangled Banner crescendoing in intensity through "the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, that our flag yet waves o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave," ending as if with a huge exclamation mark. Actually, this last line of the official lyrics ends with a question mark, and well it should. What bravery is it to participate in "turkey shoots,' wipe out whole populations in poor formerly colonized nations that fight high tech armed Americans who call in air support whenever. Where is the bravery in destroying a hundred thousand retreating Iraqi soldiers from the air with Gen. Colin Powell watching.
All the handsomely and colorfully outfitted players will be macho and fit, inspiring role models of fitness for US Armed Forces personnel stationed in one hundred and seventy-five nations all around the world. All out there to protect America's war promoting speculative investment banking industry's "atrocity wars meant to maintain unjust and unwanted predatory investments." - quoting Martin Luther King Jr. in his sermon Beyond Vietnam, not what we will hear over the stadium loudspeaker profusely thanking them for protecting America.'
Me? - i am just as cruel as any other American. Even though i never completely stop hearing the screams over children's bodies (or their child's"bug splats') and cries of children over dead mommy or daddy (cries that your author even can imagine as heard in various languages, for music performing has placed him among the people of some sixty-seven nations, a good thirty percent bombed by Americans at one time or another.
Successful "kills' by American fired bullets, shells, bombs or drone missiles of "suspected insurgents' that happen during the game will not be announced (perhaps during some future Super Bowl) - no way of knowing how many men, women and children we nail while we watch the plays.
No, just like everyone else, I'll enjoy the exiting and tricky skirmishing to move the football across the goal line. Great athletes! Terrific passing, running, blocking and tackling skills. Wow! F**k those dying foreign kids quietly starving, freezing to death. I am fascinated in wondering which team will win.
The President, in his State of the Union address mentioned the Super Bowl and 'lying like a rug,' spoke villainous nonsense of wonderful Americans doing a good job of [still after thirteen years?] "chasing down remnants of al Qaida in Afghanistan." Since Obama didn't mention the starving and freezing kids, let your author take a break from his profanity and run down just why these thousands of kids have come to die for the whoppers of falsehoods about a US Realpolitik, which former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, co-author of both major civil rights acts, calls a "U.S. foreign policy that has been the greatest crime since World War II!"
- Fundamentalist hill tribesmen were furiously against having their daughters in school and began to execute teachers intending to teach women and girls. Master war arranger David Rockefeller's picked appointee Zbigniew Brzezinski, seeing a grand opportunity, convinced President Carter to order the CIA to arm, fund and train the fighters of some of the most brutal warlords, especially non Pushtun warlords, for a terrorist civil war against that Kabul women-liberating socialist government. (The most powerful and infamous war lord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, had a reputation of throwing acid at improperly dressed women student during his university years.) CIA got important allies in funding and funneling supplies and weapons from the secret services of US allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
- [French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur interviewed Brzezinski in 1998: "Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention." ]
eventually setting up thousands of extreme Saudi Arabian Wahabi sect madrasses throughout the country. Which would teach about Western anti-human imperialism preparing many for jihad agaisnt America well before 9/11.
This funding included funding for Osama bin Laden's group that would become al Qaida.
- The two most powerful US backed war then lords rocketed the hell out of Kabul causing an absolute chaos of rape and raiding, and much more devastating destruction that occurred during the US inspired and CIA run civil war. Spontaneously the Taliban "Students of Islam' formed to protect women and children from the prevalence of rape and violent theft, and eventually defeat the US backed war lords and restored safety in society.[8]
- After Saudi Arabians suicided themselves flying US airliners into the World Trade Towers, the Bush administration accused Osama bin Laden, and the when Afghanistan government would only agree to turning turning him over to a Muslim country for trial, the US invaded Afghanistan in full force and used the 'Northern Alliance' of those savage war lords defeated by the Taliban to overthrow the Taliban Afghan government. They butchered at the least hundreds of captured Taliban.
- In spite of having constructed 740 bases with a peek number of 101,000 US soldiers, America has been unable to take the countryside away from Taliban control [3], even with huge amount of armed forces from Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (Quite a show of imperialist Anglo-Saxon led white folks unity).
- Now in 2014, after the taking the lives of so many Afghani, all completely innocent of the 9/11 attack and any other attack on anyone anywhere, Americans with their so called (basically white) International Security Assistance Force, which includes small contingents from obedient United Arab Emirates, Jordan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Mongolia, and help make a total of some 97,920 troops as of 24 June 2013, is about to give up and stop killing Afghanis in their own country, as often as not in their very own homes for a fairy tale preposterous US lie of chasing the remnants of an al Qaida brought in initially by the US itself. (Seems Wall Street and friends want to hold on to Afghanistan for and eventual oil pipe line transit, but wait a lot of rich minerals have also been discovered of late as well.)
An American sports occupied public is easily disinformed, fooled and duped into enthusiastic criminal complicity by US corporate conglomerate owned and controlled media that turns the truth upside down on every issue to excuse and justify US military atrocities in multiple countries at the same time.
- MIT Prof. Noam Chomsky-"America must prosecute its own war criminals";
- Rev. Jeremiah Wright-"God Damn America for her crimes against humanity";
Super Bowls, and other exciting forms of planned distraction, protect that globalized racist (but eventually race indiscriminate), why-me-worry genocide orchestrated by an international community of speculative investment banking, which has christened itself the 'International Community of Nations,' a semanatically sanitized term that now subsitutes for the former highfalutin and idealistic euphemism 'The Free World,' which had replaced the original proud, majestic and more realistic but no longer acceptable 'Colonial Powers.'
Hey, enjoy the game! (Those who can, and are not in a state of fright about drones spooking the sky above their satellite antennae.)
2002 Dec 13, Afghan Refugees Freeze to Death AP,
2005 Feb. 19, CBS News "Cold, Disease Kills 120 Children; Opium Given In Lieu Of Health Care"
click here
2008 01.02., Afghanistan: Freezing to death in Kabul
Astrid Sehl, Norwegian Refugee Council
2009 Nov., IRIN Asia KABUL, - "The onset of winter means freezing nights, cold-related diseases and more problems for the children"
2009 Dec. Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them, and
2012 Feb. Cold Weather Kills Children in Afghan Refugee Camps - NYTimes
click here=0
2012 Afghani Kids Still Freeze to Death Die in Air Strikes! Retribution?
click here
Afghani Kids Still Freeze to Death Die in Air Strikes! Retribution? OpEdNews, 2/10/2012 "Driven Away by War, Stalked by Winter's Cold headlined above a photo of children huddled around a fire in the open. FrigidTemperatures Claim Lives of Children in Kabul , NY Times "click here
Mexico's 1968 Massacre , NPR, 12/1/2008 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97546687
The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East , Robert Fisk
Blockade of Gwangju, and further atrocities.
At this point, all troops retreated to suburban areas, waiting for reinforcements. During this period the army blocked all routes and communications leading into and out of the city. Even though there was a lull in fighting between militias and the army, more casualties were incurred when soldiers fired at a bus that attempted to break-out of the city in Jiwon-dong, killing 17 of the 18 passengers on May 23. The following day soldiers mistook boys swimming in Wonje reservoir for attempted crossing and opened fire at the kids resulting in one death. Later that day the army suffered its heaviest casualties, when troops mistakenly fired at each other in Songam-dong.
Settlement Committees[edit]
Meanwhile, in the "liberated" city of Gwangju, the Citizens' Settlement Committee and the Students' Settlement Committee were formed. The former was composed of about 20 preachers, lawyers and professors. They negotiated with the army demanding the release of arrested citizens, compensation for victims and prohibition of retaliation in exchange for disarmament of militias. The latter was formed by university students, and took charge of funerals, public campaigns, traffic control, withdrawal of weapons, and medical aid.
The city's order was well maintained, but negotiations came to a deadlock as the army urged the militias to immediately disarm themselves. This issue caused division within the Settlement Committees; doves wanted immediate surrender, while hawks called for continued resistance until their demands were met. After heated debates, eventually the hawks took control.
Protests in other regions[edit]
As the news of the Gwangju massacre spread, further protests against the government broke out in nearby regions including Hwasun, Naju, Haenam, Mokpo, Yeongam, Gangjin, and Muan.
By May 26, the army was ready to reenter the city. Members of the Citizens' Settlement Committee unsuccessfully tried to block the army's advance by lying down on the street. As the news of the imminent attack spread, civil militias gathered in the Provincial Office, preparing for the last stand.
At 4:00 am, troops from five divisions moved into the downtown area and defeated the civil militias within 90 minutes.
Casualties: Based on reports by foreign press sources and critics of the Chun Doo-hwan administration, it has been argued that the actual death toll was in the 1,000 to 2,000 range. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwangju_massacre.
The Taliban initially enjoyed goodwill from Afghans weary of the warlords' corruption, brutality, and incessant fighting - Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world / editor Richard C. Martin, Macmillan, 2004