I am truly disappointed in your recent FISA vote that steals the freedom to have our day in court and to maintain privacy unless there is probable cause. It also has given away chances to uncover the crimes surely committed by this criminal administration. By this vote you have abetted these crimes and neither I nor my readers will forget this abdication of congressional duty at election times in the future.
Some people say that since they are innocent of crimes and have nothing to hide, let the government spy. Besides being unconstitutional (see the fourth amendment) it wastes funds and finds terrorists where none exist. Take note of the eight million strong "watch list" that only fouls up the lives of citizens without offering any security. I truly resent this loss of MY Constitutional rights, and my own Democrats did the trashing of MY Constitution-the Republicans could not have done this on their own. You and fellow Democrats should feel the guilt of the inevitable results of this dangerous unpatriotic idiotic folly.
This vote also plays into the hands of the most incompetent president of all time and gives him further dictatorial power that surely will be abused as all given/stolen powers before have been.
Somehow taking our Constitutional rights away to save us because someone thinks Osama Bin Laden might also do so somehow does not make even a minute amount of sense.
Surly you have heard of Patrick Henry's famous words: "Give me Liberty...... , and the words of Ben Franklin about trading freedom for some nebulous false promises of security but your actions suggest that you don't know them or have ignored them.
This vote represents a black day in our history. One more step toward a fascist dictatorship. In the seventies we thought the Soviet Union was so horrible for doing similar things to their citizens. I never thought ten years ago that I would be concerned about loss of checks and balances and concerned about martial law and a mad man president getting his sociopatic way on almost every issue and even the possibility of MY country being under dictatorial rule with political prisons and a secret police.
Your vote on this has one positive value as it will make it much easier to decide on my votes and what I suggest to my readers.
Thank you.