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FREE PRESS = FREE ASSANGE Webinar: Daniel Ellsberg, Marjorie Cohn, and Joe Lauria on the persecution of Julian Assange

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John Rachel
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(Image by Covid-19 Global Solidarity Coalition)   Details   DMCA

Covid-19 Global Solidarity Coalition presents an international webinar:

SATURDAY November 21st - 20:00 EST (U.S.)

The panelists will discuss the UK extradition trial of Julian Assange, the 18 criminal offenses conjured by the U.S., and how the case impacts the 99%.

DANIEL ELLSBERG: Legendary Pentagon Papers whistleblower, former defense analyst, activist.

MARJORIE COHN: Professor Emerita Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president National Lawyers Guild.

JOE LAURIA: Editor-in-Chief Consortium News, coordinator of extensive daily coverage of extradition hearings.


To sign up at our Facebook Events Page, click here.

This thought-provoking event is co-sponsored by: Consortium News, Roots Action, World Beyond War, CovertAction, theAnalysis.news, Co-op Anti-War Cafe' Berlin, Frente Unido America Latina Berlin, Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation, National Lawyers Guild. German Peace Council.

I am a member of the organizing committee which includes Ron Ridenour, Peter Kuznick, and Satoko Norimatsu.

Please attend . . . I guarantee this will be worth your time.

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John Rachel has a B.A. in Philosophy, and has written eight novels and three political non-fiction books. His political articles have appeared at OpEdNews, Russia Insider, The Greanville Post, and other alternative media outlets. Since (more...)

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