So, it appears that Facebook is down. Try to post an article to the site and you get a message that there's a problem. When I experienced this I thought that Facebook had finally gotten around to blocking my site. I was anything but alone. Many people thought the same as me. This tells me that Facebook could soon reach a tipping point where people of all ideologies don't trust and strongly dislike them, even worse than it has seemed.
I tried to post an article from from my computer. No luck.
I tried to post an article from from my mobile phone. No luck.
I thought of the news I received the other day that had been blocked from posting content by Facebook. This felt like the same thing. But had received a message that it had violated community standards. I wondered if the same thing was happening to my site. Was Facebook blocking posting because of some policy violation they'd cooked up?
I called our webmaster, he assured me this was happening at Facebook's end, not the fault of OpEdNews. So I went to Twitter to check and did a search on "posting to facebook." Sure enough, a whole lot of tweets like this came up.
RT @NBCMontana: Facebook users are facing problems with posting to the social sites on Wednesday, and the company has not yet said when the… at
— Iván Marchosky (@ivanjosem) March 13, 2019
But there weren't just postings that informed us that Facebook posting was not working. A lot of people were thinking that maybe it was their turn, that they were now ALSO being banned or blocked or censored by Facebook.
@facebook preventing me from posting the following message... disgusting facebook bias... I can understand… at
— Sanjay Ahuja (@MoralityRules) March 13, 2019
RT @niralvarsha9: What a crock of $hi,+. Facebook is blocking all Conservatives today. Won't let you post or respond. FB needs to be closed… at
— Patriot Elsa 🙏🏼🇺🇸 (@PatriotElsa) March 13, 2019
@SenWarren So, after posting an article about your plan to breakup Facebook... I have been getting post errors! On… at
— Sean Pasinsky (@spasinsky) March 13, 2019
RT @only0787: .@facebook If YOU allow a post to reach my Timeline, then DONT block me if I share that post.
#Facebook should be protecting… at
— Voortrekker se kind (@PieterLiebenbe3) March 12, 2019