By Dave Lindorff
The New York Times and Washington Post, the nation's two top national newspapers, have been breathlessly reporting of late, with little sign of any appropriate journalistic skepticism, on a purported massive and successful Russian conspiracy to throw the US election to their "favored" candidate, Donald Trump. But the Chicago Tribune has weighed in with a more measured piece, suggesting that while the CIA, a particularly secretive and politically driven organization, may be making that claim, the FBI is not convinced.
While even the Tribune sometimes ignores inserting the requisite "alleged" that should precede any reference to unproven claims that Russia is behind the hacking of the Democratic Party's (and the Republican Party's) email server, the paper does also note that Democrats in particular are "frustrated" by the "murky nature" of the FBI's analysis, with outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), calling on FBI Director James Comey to resign.
The reason for the Democrats' frustration is also made clear. As the Tribune reports:
With so much of the evidence about Russia's alleged role in the election shrouded in secrecy because of strict classification rules, Democrats and Republicans in Washington who have access to the underlying intelligence say they have struggled to make their respective cases, leaving an already deeply divided public convinced that both sides are shading their conclusions to help the candidate they backed on Election Day.
The reality is that the CIA has presented no hard evidence that Russia is behind the hacking of the DNC's or or Clinton's private home server. The excuse is given that the Agency doesn't want to disclose any of its sources, so the reader is left with the pathetic plea, from both the Agency and the White House: "Trust us."
But why would anyone trust the CIA or the White House on anything? We're talking about an agency and a Executive Branch that between them are known to have lied (during the GW Bush years) about anthrax labs in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, lied about what were aluminum tubes imported to make irrigation equipment being evidence of missile-building, lied about Ira's links to Al Qaeda, and (during the Obama years) lied about Syria's government using Sarin gas on its own people in Damascus, lied about the details of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, lied about the role of a murderous CIA agent captured by Pakistani police while posing as a US consular employee, lied about the extent of National Security Agency Spying both at home and abroad, and lied about Russia invading Ukraine and shooting down a civilian Malaysian jumbo jet.
If one were to take a moment and think about what is being alleged here by Democrats -- that a national presidential election was successfully subverted by the releasing of hacked emails showing major corruption and malfeasance by the Democratic Party leadership in undermining the fairness of the party's presidential primary to benefit one candidate -- Hillary Clinton -- and to destroy the candidacy of her opponent Bernie Sanders -- it should lead to one of two alternative conclusions"
For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF in ThisCantBeHappening!, the uncompromised, collectively run, five-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative news site, please go to: