Elizabeth Taylor from the trailer for the film Giant. 1956.
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According to a study by Philip M. Sarrel, fifty thousand women died needlessly from fear of estrogen replacement after hysterectomy.(3) Both Time Magazine and the LA Times declared 50,000 women's lives could have been saved.(3,4) Hysterectomy causes estrogen deficiency, a heath risk associated with increased mortality. Above Left Image Actress Elizabeth Taylor underwent hysterectomy, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The Mortality Toll of Estrogen Avoidance
Dr Philip M. Sarrel says : "Estrogen therapy has been widely misunderstood, and may offer important benefits to women in their 50s who have had a hysterectomy." Watch a video from Philip M. Sarrel, MD, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale Medical School.(3) This information is old news. Many medical studies over the years show hormone replacement (HRT) after hysterectomy reduces mortality and improves quality of life.
Bioidentical Estrogen Reduces Mortality After HysterectomyFor example, Dr Parker followed 30,000 women over 24 years after hysterectomy. Half the women had ovaries removed and half had ovaries preserved. The group with ovaries removed had estrogen deficiency, and higher all-cause mortality rate. Therefore, Dr. Parker recommended ovarian preservation. Dr Parker also found that post-operative hormone replacement is very beneficial for reducing heart-disease risk in women after hysterectomy. (1)
In a second study, Dr Cathleen Rivera followed 1,000 pre-menopausal women, under age 45, after hysterectomy, and found that removal of the ovaries resulted in a disturbing 84% increase in death from heart disease. However, if these women were given estrogen replacement after ovarian removal, they were protected with a 35% decrease in mortality from heart disease.(2) I thought this was rather impressive.
Premarin Only for Women After HysterectomyThe Second Arm of the Women's Health Initiative showed reduced mortality in the estrogen users after hysterectomy. (11) For the Premarin-treated post-menopausal women 50-59 years of age, the authors reported an impressive 27% reduction in mortality compared to placebo group. (11) The obvious take-home message is that estrogen replacement is beneficial for women after hysterectomy. Doctors who deny women estrogen replacement cause needless suffering and increased mortality.
Here is the quote from the 2011 JAMA Women's Health Initiative (8):
"Younger postmenopausal women (aged 50-59 years) who were randomized to Premarin estrogen (CEE) vs. placebo had a lower risk of death (HR, 0.73). Note: HR is Hazard Ratio. This represents a 27% decrease in mortality for the estrogen users compared to placebo users. (8)
Avoid Carcinogenic Synthetic ProgestinsSynthetic versions of progesterone called "progestins" such as medroxyprogesterone (MPA) are known to be carcinogenic based on data from the 2002 Womens' Health Initiative First Arm.(12) This study was halted early because synthetic progestins increased the risk of breast cancer. For this reason, avoiding carcinogenic progestins is recommended. Instead, use natural human bioidentical progesterone having the same chemical structure as ovarian progesterone, made by the female ovary.
Dr. JoAnn Manson Editorial in NEJM
Dr. JoAnn Manson is in agreement with Dr. Sarrell. Here are a few quotes from Dr. Jo Ann Manson's editorial in NEJM 2016: (10)
Hormone Replacement is Effective, Yet Few Woman Are Treated
"Despite the availability of effective hormonal "treatments for menopausal symptoms, few women with these symptoms are evaluated or treated."
Leading Medical Societies Agree that HR Therapy is Effective and Should Be Recommended
Leading medical societies "agree that hormone therapy is the most effective treatment currently available for (menopausal) symptoms and should be recommended."
Yet 20% of Symptomatic Women in Early Menopause Remain Untreated
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