v>Finding the right pitch...
Pitchers in baseball often struggle trying to find the right pitch to throw to get the batter to swing and miss. Many pitchers only excel at 2-3 pitches. Fastballs, change-ups, curveballs, sliders, cutters, split finger and knuckleball are just some pitches a pitcher may use. Knowing the batters weaknesses to certain pitches in specific situations is a big advantage to the pitcher. Those starting pitchers that consistently strikeout 7+ batters a game...have found the right pitch.
In business, sales people are often looking for the right pitch to sell their product or services. If they understand their customers needs, then it is easier for them to...find the right pitch.
Similarly, dogs look to find the right pitch also. If you speak in a happy excited tone, regardless of the words spoken, a dog will be excited and happy. If you use a low tone, they know something is wrong. If used with their name, they know there is a very good chance that it is related to something they did. In either situation, they found the right pitch.
In politics, politicians will look to find the right pitch by using a combination of phrases and tones to rally you behind them, like...
- I am against anything that is bad for my mother.
- I will deport all illegal aliens.
- I support the invasion of a country because they have weapons of mass destruction.
Some politicians and parties use scare tactics like...
- A religion in a foreign land has its target on you.
- Illegal aliens are rapists and murders.
- Ebola and bird flue could kill millions in the U.S.
These scare tactics are used to get people to vote for the party or person that brought up the fear...because we all know that whoever brought up the scare, must be closer to a solution and they will save us. Actually, they are looking for the right pitch to get your vote.
As you go through life, you will hear a lot of pitches...some in high tones, some in low tones, some that sound like a great deal and some that try to get you to rally behind a cause, person or party. Before you get excited, determine if the pitch is right for you by thoroughly validating what is being pitched.
Don't be caught off guard by a fastball, change-up, curveball or other pitches. Know how to handle all the pitches. Be patient and wait for the right pitch.
Find the the right pitch.
Do regulations and legislation protect citizens, consumers and employees from bad pitches from financial firms, sales practices, employment practices, religious bias, etc?
Do regulations promote progressive change or deter it?
A former conservative turned independent. I tend to lean with Progressives. My more recent articles are written to give readers an insight, but not to take a particular position necessarily. The goal is to get readers to use critical thinking (more...)