Bernie Sanders is challenged with an enormous bias from the Mainstream News Media. I know how to bring them to their knees. I was a mover and shaker when S-1959 and HR-1955 were being fast-tracked through Congress, via a complete Press Blackout. It was called the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007." It was one of, if not the most egregious bills that our Congress ever considered. Somehow, it leaked into the alternative news. It was in committee ready to be passed, when "we the people" stood together shoulder to shoulder in solidarity and brought Washington, D.C., to their proverbial knees! Millions of Americans never knew what we had saved them from because of the press blackout of its existence, even in defeat.
How did we do it? We in the alternative media wrote op-ed's exposing this bill, it's ramifications to the public, and asked people to help us fight for our very survival as a free and democratic nation. Today, we are faced with that same challenge, only this time, we are fighting the 1%, Corporate America, and multinational corporations that refuse to give the people their say in governing our own nation. If we rise to the challenge, we can force the main stream news media to quit their apparent bias for Clinton and make them understand that we will not surrender until they acquiesce to our demands.
In 2007, we found every phone number, email address, and fax number on Capitol Hill including the White House. We set a date and then hammered Washington with calls, emails, and faxes to all of those numbers and brought communications in our Capital to a standstill! The phones rang incessantly; Congressmen were grumbling that we should all be arrested, all to no avail. After three or four days, the bill was dropped. We won one of the most impressive victories that a non-violent protest has accomplished in decades. However, the Government kept a press blackout on the matter because they did not want the public to know how powerful they can be when they stand together in Solidarity!
In this case, I suggest a slightly different approach. CNN is one of the vilest of the Hillary supporters and they have major offices in New York City as well as their headquarters in Atlanta. I would suggest targeting CNN and possibly NBC for major on the ground protests to run in conjunction with a massive disruption of their communications. We would also post a warning to CBS and Fox news, as well as major newspapers that they are next if they do not cover this election in a non-biased manner.
If Bernie supporters are willing to go door to door attempting to educate people about the real ideology of the Sanders Campaign, surely they would agree to stay home an afternoon to make phone calls to the numbers that we will publish. I also believe they would help in coordinated protests against CNN and NBC. This is a game plan, albeit you may have suggestions to make it more efficient. We are all Bernie, and it will take all of us working together to make this happen. I am merely attempting to make a suggestion for using a strategy that we have learned through experience that works. I know that some of my followers have thousands, some of you tens of thousands of followers that can turn this idea into a reality. I cannot emphasize enough that we are fighting for the heart and soul of our nation. If we do not take America back from the 1% and corporations, it may be another decade or more before the chance will rise again, if ever.
If you agree with this means of accomplishing our goals, please start making phone calls to CNN and NBC to find every phone and fax number you can identify. The newsrooms are one of the most visible targets, and their corporate offices are second. For the on the ground protests, I will leave that to you who have greater expertise in that arena than I have. Time is also of significant importance in this issue. We need to win as many possible states as we can. I believe in the American people and our ability to change rather than gripe about the current situation, and that goes for me too.
If you agree with this form of non-violent protest and understand that it will work, please re-Tweet and Like my initial Tweet, or one that you make yourself, to help make this happen. Thank you for your time, and remember "LUCK" is spelled "W-O-R-K". The harder we work, the luckier we get!