Politicians cannot inspire pride and loyalty in the Nation, if they don't model it. You cannot denigrate your President, who is symbolic of the Nation, without weakening your Nation.
Jesus told us first, then Abraham Lincoln told us again, "a nation divided against itself cannot stand."
[quote]Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. [/quote]
After Republicans puts our President in clown face, called him a liar on the floor of Congress, warned parents not to let their children hear his words, while second guessing his every move, it is no wonder that, even a small child could discern the meaning of their ways. He asked the President:
[quote]Why do people hate you?[/quote]
[quote]When they should love you.[/quote]
It's like President Obama said, in response to that small child's question, he's not hated. Most of the people voted for him, and his approval rating is high. That child, like the rest of us, is a captive audience to media fostered and promoted, Republican brewed hate. The frustration of a few sore losers, has been used to demoralize the Nation, and embolden social misfits.
Over the top violence like the Fort Hood shooting, by Major Malik Nadal Hasan, which left 13 dead and 30 injured; and the lynching of Bill Sparkman, a Kentucky census worker, has come on the heals of hateful speech.
The more media lends itself to the creation of a hostile social/emotional climate, the more people, who are predisposed to be anti-social, will act out.
The Secret Service is investigating more threats against government officials than ever before.
[quote](A) new internal Congressional Research Service report and government sources say there are an unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama -- and that the Secret Service is insufficiently funded and staffed to deal with them.[/quote]
[quote](T)he election of Barack Obama has increased threats against the president's life by 400 percent from his predecessor, according to "In the President's Secret Service," by Ronald Kessler. [/quote]
Nancy Pelosi was ahead of the curve on a couple of social/political issues that are driving our Nation into a ditch. One of which is misinformation. When she said the CIA wasn't straight with her, Republicans insisted that she apologize. Turns out they should apologize to her! The CIA didn't simply mislead her, they told her outright lies, five separate times! Why didn't the media bring that point home?
House Speaker Pelosi foresaw the violence borne out of hateful speech. She warned,
[quote]I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw à ‚¬" I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco, this kind of à ‚¬" of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave à ‚¬" it created a climate in which violence took place.[/quote]
It is time for America to convert from a black versus white policy, to a right versus wrong policy. A majority of Americans chose to entrust the Nation to the leadership of President Barack Obama. The Republican minority, and major media, need to defer to the will of the people; and to get on board for the journey to prosperity, good will, and peace. America must resist the hatreds and divisions that inspire and embolden the Malik Nadal Hasans of this world.