Fine tuning the "politically motivated" framing the MAGA cult world has been using, parroting former POSPOTUS Trump, Fox took this to the next level, calling for "open season" on Democrats. They encouraged local Republican district attorneys and prosecutors to indict and charge Democratic politicians and leaders.
You can clearly see how Fox is proposing that local DAs and prosecutors abuse their power.
Jesse Watters Primetime Also check out, a minute or two later when Don Bongino takes this idea further.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: FootbalHD) Details DMCA
This is a case of corrupt Trump's behavior and lies leading to literal adoption of corrupt political practices on a large scale. Will they listen and start such prosecutions? Fact is this has been the practice of Republicans already. The totally political prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, orchestrated by Karl Rove, was a harbinger of things to come.
Of course, there is truth that there is some political motivation in the indictment. Lefties detest Trump and seeing the legal process unfold, with him being charged with a crime is a very pleasant thing.
Trump, responding to his indictment, at Mar a Lago, said, "The country is going to hell." Methinks he is projecting.
It'll be interesting to see how Fox and the Maga cult will further amp up the hysterical, response to the coming three or four more waves of Trump prosecution that are coming soon.