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Fox News Called it for Bernie with 2% of Vote in! 2 Hours Later, Networks were Slothfully Slow; Bernie's Victory Speech

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Stephen Fox
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Fox News: Bernie Sanders projected winner in Nevada caucus Sanders holds on to lead in 2020 Democratic race; Chris Stirewalt breaks it down. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Fox News)
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I have no connection whatsoever with Fox News, nor have I ever listened much to their shrill deranged partisanship, but I am glad to recognize the fact that they were the first to call it for Bernie in Nevada with the tiny initial results showing him ahead. They took a jump and a leap of faith, and saw that the extended projection would clearly give Bernie his victory.

Townhall was second to follow suit; even Donald Trump congratulated Bernie and although calling him "Crazy Bernie," stated that he warned Bernie to "not let them take it away from him."

The New York Times just 4 minutes ago begrudgingly announced that "Sanders has an early lead," and the Washington Post 3 minutes ago said Sanders looks strong as the votes trickle in." I refused to open their pages and read their rehashed articles, because the Times is owned by a billionaire and the Post is owned by a trillionaire, and neither needs my subscription payment just as I decline to need their "news."

New York Daily Post, one of the most conservative big papers, of course, had to in their unique tabloid style, impugn the results with this headline:

Democrats fear caucus chaos in Nevada as early returns show Sanders win

USA Today, the banner flagship of the Gannet corporation concedes this much in their headline well after Fox News' scoop:

Sen. Bernie Sanders holds double-digit lead in early Nevada caucus results live updates

Vice News issued this curious epistle:

Bernie Sanders Will Likely Win Nevada. Can He Be Stopped Afterwards?

Wall Street Journal was a bit more measured, not displaying any fear on behalf of the millionaires trying to become billionaires who are their readers:


Entrance polls showed Mr. Sanders dominating in Nevada among Hispanic voters, a critical voting bloc in the Silver State

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Early in the 2016 Primary campaign, I started a Facebook group: Bernie Sanders: Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win! As the primary season advanced, we shifted the focus to advancing Bernie's legislation in the Senate, particularly the (more...)

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