by John Kendall Hawkins
two-minute hate
In the last iteration of his diminishing selfhood
2+2 = 5, all paradigms are on the table
Winston tastes good like a cigarette should
They exploit
They exploit your deepest fear
They find your fear
They find your fear in there
Algorithms, Facebook timelines, promise to kill everyone who's ever Liked you
Winston with that rat cage on his face
says, take her, take my love, such disgrace, saving face
what is my fear?
I've been in comas, I know how to disappear
maybe if the love the Moody Blues promised proved futile
or if the Furies took over and tore me limn from limn
stole all light from the world, filled their black hole to the brim
the magical animal kingdom, with their animal loving, calling kettles black
how about that
my hatred is hatred and it may just consume me
maybe my greatest fear is that it's stronger than love
he gropes under the table, he needs a rat
he got his brother to fly into the towers, in his mind, drink driving
he needs rats
he pays no taxes, but his audits take forever
he needs a cage
he straps rat tenement cages onto black faces and snarks disgust
once upon a time he fiddlediddled little mary
once upon a time he curtsied like a jinn-soaked fairy
he needs rats the way Rudy needs Tatar, China syndrome straight ahead
when he wins in 2024
I hope he beats that rat faced Al Gore
bucky bucky beaver
joseph kony
I hate Josef Kuny
island of the mind
Mighty Whitey ride through the Congo jungle at Paragon Park
Dr Livingston, I presume, a voice says, doc's leg in a croc's mouth
warlord on the cross, army of children, they said
all the sweet US Christian kids were recruited
they swarmed and prayed, armed with statement tees
find find find him,
make the spook visible to see
but Joseph Kony had gone away
like Depravity the mystery cat he did not stay
I have a bouquet of rats in a spray
but no vase could hold them
ralph nader
F*ck Ralph Nader, the Lefties say, 2000
F*ck the Lefties, I say, for f*cking Ralph that way
who opened this ratfuck stew?
let's hate Ralph for spoiling the lesser-evil option
without which there;s be no oxycontin problem
crazy as finger-fucked rats playing kazoos and kalimbas
nobody's done more than Ralph to rid us of rats
to punch the faces of porcupines, enema the fat cats
ralph has been a hero 50 f*cking years
leave Ralph alone, you dirty rat
I said, leave Ralph alone
and hold the false tears
bill buckner
what, it would kill you to live up to your reputation
as a gold glover, the reason they brought you over from the Cubs, put you in there with the game on the line,
kill you
to curtsy to the ball, you rat
even your moustache said rat
how about that
for f*ck's sake we didn't bring you over for your miserable bat
sure, we got weepy years later and clapped when you returned
like some fuckin fallen hero, as if
after we'd beat the thit out of the Yankees and Cards
and finally sent the Babe packing, our curses chasing him
after we'd ruined your life
and hit on your wife
after treating you as if
you'd done Tony C, up and in
chin music with an LA grin
or busted Lonborg's leg skiing, like you were the snow
just waiting to form a baseball bat to downhill the next season
years of booing you at rat-infested Fenway
(and f*ck Fenway, while we're at it)
maybe even the soused rats booed, looking up from a Bud Lite puddle
bucky bucky beaver dent
lookey what the Cubbies sent
but the two-faced rats of Boston finally 'forgave' you
like we forgave the Limeys and switched to coffee
and you went, like Sally Field, after she won for Places in the Heart
You like me, You like me
well, I wouldn't bet on that
you dirty rat
julian assange
sometimes you wonder how many rats there are in Belmarsh
don't you?
big cheeses, crypto cats that pssst
imagine trying to save humanity on his onesome like that
so his condom broke; do wicked leaks make him a dirty rat?
or maybe he was just a Cheshire cat punked by a rat
govo transparency and private privacy
rat without a country now
strongly barracking for our Bill of Rights, for freedoms we claim
they don't have them, as such, where he comes from
and they'll want to do ya if you tell them that
but rats are eternal, they live forever
some came over on that first fleet
Dutch named an island here ratnest island
eating away at the face of time
I keep hearing the laughter of rats
in the chopper chatter of 'collateral murder'
plague rats out of Defoe, Camus rats, desert rats
civilization with not much to show for its grow
but dirty rats
and dirty bats
abide long after the earth has fallen
into the hole the bats from Hell came out of
michael jackson
why'd he hang that kid out from the balcony?
why did so many hope he'd let go?
why did Michael want so bad to be white
he to took bleaching himself, and ratfucking Mrs. Elvis
Well, I don't know: I'm not from Neverland
as far as I can tell my shadow's stitched on fine
and I'm not the moonwalking kind
but we should hate Michael for his
vitiligo, like his body ached to be white,
like some oreo cookie oozing sugar
what happens to a raisin in the sun? asked Langston Hughes
but Michael queered the world he lived in by his queerness
we seemed stranger by his strangeness,
I never looked at myself in the mirror again the same way
not that that's possible -- the mirror's a one and many river
while we fed on the face the MSM served up
and pretended it wasn't about race
when the TV released us into the deviant sewer of his soul-upsetting mind
Thriller from Vanilla
Willard's white rats looking to rumble with Uncle Ben's rats in a rice riot
and Michael was a scarecrow in The Wiz, kep' da Jim Crows away
and Michael was a prodigy
that Motown held out over a balcony, and let go
and Michael rowed the goddamned boat ashore alright
his one friend called it spot on, talking to his listeners
and the rats, he loved his rats, "Ben" was a number 1 hit
his first solo single
a fuckin song about a rat in the land of free expression
how about that
Les Mis, chased mercilessly by fame, the rat you cannot tame
we just loved to hear him woo and coo that rat song on the radio
but let's face it, MJ coulda used a little Pied Piper action in his life
cliffs of Moher kind of thing, lured them with his bling
and, alas, he had to settle for Diprivan for his Lethe
and the Mighty Whitey dumpster-diving said through clenched teeth
he deserved it
We are the world
We are the world alright
and I smell a rat
where's my gat?
What kind of man dreams up a rat cage strapped to someone's face?
It seems irrational, like 2+2=5
But that we can make people believe that, against their will,
is beyond dispute
and calls into question if it's not true
I don't know, I'm not from around these parts
I think like an alien must think
lookin' down at things a-brewin'
and no doubt not seeing right, misconstruin'
and maybe deciding to give the blue planet a miss
there are other planets to take a piss
Orwell was so terrified by Commies
that he kept a secret list and whistleblew them to the Queen
he was a rat
there's no doubt about that
and when I first found out I almost shat
how come they kept us away from that stat?
but he must have noticed something soul-sucking about Commies
(at the poetry commune, owner Stuart got first pick of the girls )
because he hated commies more than fascists
they renditioned Boxer, the glue of society, to his na????ve death
he warned us, Wigan Pier
rats are everywhere
and now we may disappear
Orwell is the last face we must hate on
Give him a two-minute standing ovation
roar that you want more
now that reality has slammed the door
time to bring hate on tour
where do you stand on rats?
what must be strapped to your face
to get your attention
what is your answer to 2+2= ?
and remember, before you answer, she loves you
The Rat Cage Applied 101
(Article changed on Aug 31, 2021 at 3:28 AM EDT)