Please continue to sign and disseminate these two petitions.
Dear Friends,
The links below document the problems at the plant, the effect on the Japanese people, and the bottom section- most serious of all- the effect on ocean life.
When The Economist expresses alarm, you know the problem is serious.
The Economist, Feb 7, 2015: Mission impossible; An industrial clean-up without precedent -- The stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant is the world's most complex and costly industrial clean-up" TEPCO's early guess was that decommissioning would take 30-40 years. That is certainly optimistic. Engineers are grappling with problems with little precedent" Last October the utility pushed back the start of this removal work by five years, to 2025. Dale Klein, [Tepco adviser and former NRC chairman] says that the schedule for decommissioning the plant is pure supposition until engineers figure out how to remove all the fuel.
Speculation continues about the early unfolding of the disaster, but it's agreed that it's worse than originally thought, no one knows where the molten cores are, and the melting down is ongoing, with ongoing contamination of water and air.
TV: Only some of Fukushima melted fuel is now solid " Nuclear Expert: Molten core re-melts , even with enough cooling water " Japan Engineer: The Fukushima accident was the first of its kind ...roundwater entering the facility becomes tainted when it mixes with melted fuel inside the reactor containers. Tepco engineers believe some of the fuel has cooled down and turned into solid debris. But they don t know the exact situation, so they re hoping to take a look inside..
Fuel keeps melting slowly as zirconium generates a relatively large amount of heat. The metal remained hot for some time. This means radioactive materials will be released for a longer time. The experiment shows that the water used to prevent the meltdowns may have actually sustained them. The experts say the the results show that radioactive substances kept leaking out and spreading into the atmosphere.Taro Yamamoto, member of the Diet of Japan -- House of Councillors representing Tokyo, published Feb 5, 2015: "In Fukushima, each reactor has about 90 tons [90,000 kg or ~200,000 lbs] of uranium. These are melting down daily."
Efforts to contain the radioactive groundwater continue to fail. NHK, Feb. 9, 2015: The workers poured cement into the tunnels while draining contaminated water. But blocking the water was not successful as it continued to flow through the buildings" They say they do not yet know how the latest delay will affect the whole decommissioning project. They are still studying the next steps they need to take.
Meanwhile, the Japanese people continue to suffer devastating health effects, which are underreported, or even forbidden to be reported. So those who reveal this things are private citizens, risking prosecution. video of the event here
ÃÆ' Tetsu Kariya, author of the gourmet manga Oishinbo, says in the series latest edition that radiation is so high in Fukushima Prefecture it is causing nosebleeds among local residents.
From their report "Readings of environmental radioactivity level by prefecture" released on 1/30/2015, the fallout level in Futaba county was 6,200 MBq/km2ãÆ' »month in December of 2014. It was 1,657 MBq/km2ãÆ' »month in December of 2013. The readings of other areas in Fukushima prefecture are not reported.
NRA hasn't made any announcement on this rapid increase in fallout level.
Fukushima resident Chieko Shiina, supporter of the Fukushima Collaborative Clinic (translated by Carole Hisasue), Jan 24, 2015 (emphasis added):
At 8:00 " Already, 85 children have had surgeries for thyroid cancer, there are 112-113 children who are suspected of having cancer. When children get cancers it progresses very quickly. The former person in charge of health, Yamashita Shunichi, said it would be only a 1 in a million chance of children getting any kind of cancer because of radiation. But he was lying. Right now, it s like 1 in 3,000 " it s an epidemic The head of the National Cancer Research Center estimated right now in Fukushima the rate of cancer has gone up 61 times. And yet the gov t and also the hospitals related to the gov t are saying this is not because of radiation How long does the gov t think that we ll be silent about this? In light of this epidemic, my anger will never die down. And then to think about the parents of the small children " how worried they must be.
At 12:00 " It s not only children. There are many things happening to adults as well. Increased rates of thyroid cancer, heart attacks, leukemia, cataracts " many, many health problems, where they are wondering there s something definitely wrong.
At 16:00 " I can t forgive the gov t, they re murderers. This is definitely a holocaust.
At 20:00 " Media won t report on it. Everything s just being swept under the rug.
At 26:00 " A TV program called Hodo Station they went to Fukushima City to interview people and they also came to my clinic The director that made this program also made a follow up show and contacted one of the interviewees telling her, We ll be airing it soon. But before it was aired, it was taken off the program. This director died. This director apparently told one of the interviewees, If you do hear that I died, please believe that it was not a suicide, no matter what you might hear. There is no truth in the media in Japan today. There are all sorts of these mysterious events happening that are still unexplained and uninvestigated.
At 43:00 " Even today the gov t is insisting the rise in pediatric thyroid cancer rates are not due to the accident Why are they being so insistent? It s because the moment they admit the reality of what s going on, then they obviously can t restart any of the nuclear plants and must change their entire nuclear policy.
Carole Hisasue, translator (at 1:15:00): It s disappeared from the media, it s disappeared from people s consciousness. There s this big culture of denial going on outside of Fukushima. They want to pretend like it never happened. I can t talk to my own family about radiation contamination They don t want to hear it. They go, You don t understand because you don t have to live here, we have to live here. It s like see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil just trying to ignore it and pretend life is the way it was before 3/11. It s frightening, it s very very frightening [My sister-in-law] is completely brainwashed by the gov t who says, Oh no, it s fine, fine, fine she believes it, even though her son suffers from a lot of nosebleeds " and I think that s a serious problem. If I mention it to her, or even to my own mother, they get very offended. They go, Oh no, no. He s always been like that. It s nothing to do with radiation. Talk about denial, it just hurts my heart
The disappearance of marine life is being blamed on ocean warming and increased acidity. No one is studying the effects of radiation on the immune systems and food intake systems of mollusks, plankton, and small fish, on which the larger animals depend for food. Tritium especially, which is not cleaned at all from water at the Fukushima site, may be having a huge impact on sea life.
David Bard, operations director at the Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, Jan 19, 2015: What we re seeing that s different is we are seeing a wider array of species and age groups, so in other words [in 2013] we were seeing primarily California sea lion pups, this year we re also seeing harbor seals and fur seals as well as some sub-adults and adults.
LA Times, Jan 30, 2015: Their growth is stunted, said Shawn Johnson at the Marine Mammal Center They re basically starved to death " no muscle, no fat, just skin and bones.