A Full Spectrum Economy measures and monetizes all the work necessary for managing our lives. Here are some basic talking points of the FSE.
Did you know that:
1. Our current economy only measures & monetizes half the
work activities necessary to live life but FSE includes them all?
2. That the current economy values 3 sectors but the FSE values
a 6 sector economy.
a. Current sectors: markets, government and illegal activities as measured
by the GDP
b. Missing sectors: household enterprise, volunteer service and natural
3 The industrial economy’s success depends on production &
consumption of goods & services but the incoming knowledge &
service economy depends on humans operating at full human
capacity and a FSE makes this possible
a. Work that enables full human capacity is in the 3 missing sectors.
4. By changing the GDP economic measurement system to
include the 3 missing sectors
a. It allows us to expand the definition of wealth to include social and
financial wealth as a means for earning one’s living.
b. It produces a stronger social safety network
c. It takes the pressure off the markets to be the sole creators of wealth as
defined by money;
d. It creates a vibrant, global economy supporting the most important work
of all—caring for humans and the planet.
5. Public and Private Partnership is the most efficient path for
funding the launch of the FSE
For more information: http://www.partnershipway.org/caring-economics/caring-economics