What a wonderful week for talk radio and TV spin.
CPAC, the Republican braintrust that thought it would be a grande idea to thrust Rush Limbaugh in front of the choir to keynote their rip into Barack Obama. And El Rushbo did not fail to deliver, firing out from his flaming Johnny Cash getup, among other hyperbole, his from day one wish that the new President fail.
The conservative crowd was thrilled beyond all expectation. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said, "I think Rush is a great leader for conservatives. I think he articulates what a lot of people are concerned about."
This is the same Rush Limbaugh who told his listeners, "if you are a moderate Republican you stand for nothing." The ever-shrinking Republican tent seems to be a perfect fit for Rush. I'm not one to cheapen the debate with a crass fat joke - but if I was - perhaps it is one of Rush's old suits that the GOP is using for a tent.
Fomer talk show host and award-winning TV writer, Steve Young, is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful."