Conservative lawyer George Conway just started Anti-Psychopath PAC investing over $300,000 of his own money. George is a contributor to The Atlantic, co-host of The Bulwark's "George Conway Explains It All" podcast, board president of the Society for the Rule of Law, and former law partner. He is a leading critic of Trump's lawlessness and contempt for American democracy, and has been among the most outspoken anti-Trump voices on the right.
His take on Trump is simple: He's a psychopath.
George launched Anti-Psychopath PAC to highlight the danger of returning a deranged man to the Oval Office.
Steve Benen of MSNBC covered the launch of Anti-Psychopath PAC: USA Today reported that George Conway, a prominent anti-Trump Republican, has launched a new political action committee "called the Anti-Psychopath PAC on Thursday to portray Donald Trump as a danger to democracy and mentally unfit for a second term."
Conway says:
Anti-Psychopath PAC was started for one reason-- to remind voters that Donald Trump is f**cking insane.
A convicted felon, a proven rapist, and an anti-democratic nutjob with dictatorial ambitions should be nowhere near the White House.
Anti-Psychopath PAC will continuously highlight Donald Trump's psychological derangement and bring it to the main stage. "Sociopath" and "narcissist" aren't just buzzwords-- Trump's pathological lying, authoritarian tendencies, and his disregard for democratic norms will destroy our country if he gets reelected. He's that dangerous.
Trump's behavior isn't just unusual, it's deeply disturbing and harmful. Whether he's ranting about sharks or cozying up to dictators, Trump's actions are those of a man who cares only about himself, not about the country or its people. We can't ignore his mental health issues any longer.
The media has often shied away from discussing Trump's state of mind, but that ends now. It's time to break the silence and confront the truth: Donald Trump is utterly unfit for office, and understanding his psychology is the key to stopping him.
We need you in this fight. Whether it's through donations or spreading the word, your support is vital. Together, let's make sure our country isn't led by someone who is clearly out of his mind.
Watch George Conway's stunning and passionate video here: