Gather 'round chilluns for a Gerrymandering primer:
This is how gerrymandering disenfranchises American citizens:If a district is comprised of 50 animal citizens, with 20 pigs and 30 frogs, the selection of the boundaries of the district impact which group wins:
Below are examples of two heavily gerrymandered districts in the state of Virginia. The creation of these district boundaries clearly disregards the Virginia State Constitution which requires districts to be "compact and contiguous," and is one of the major reasons why Repiublicans maintained control in Virginia for the last two decades. The recent election changed the balance of power, with the GOP at 51% and the Dems at 49%, the outcome of one election recount is still pending as of this writing.
Redistricting reform in Virginia already had some Republican support, so the shift in the balance of power is likely to result in a more democratically drawn map of districts after the 2020 census.
Find out how the nonprofit, OneVirginia2021, is taking a stand in Gerrymandering's Insidious Power: Why Redistricting Matters.