It has now been established legally and
scientifically that a shortage of nurses leads to more infections and other
life-endangering errors. I knew this long ago, but now the studies are facts. Standards are in place --- one nurse per 3 patients in critical-care
units, etc.
However if at any time you feel that you or your LOVED ONE IS IN DANGER OF NOT GETTING ENOUGH NURSING CARE THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, after requesting more nursing service at the nursing desk.
1. Call and ask your insurance company if you are eligible for a private-duty nurse based on the increased hazards associated with inadequate nursing staffs.
2. Inform
you physician of the situation and ask your physician to come to the hospital
to closely oversee the patient's care or make sure there's a hospitalist on
duty that you can call. Make sure the hospitalist is familiar with your patient's condition and is available 24/7.
3. File a formal complaint with the hospital administrators, the State Board of Nursing and the Joint Hospital Commission for jeopardizing your patient safety based on inadequate staffing patterns.
It may save you or your loved one's life and if not--if there is an infection or a bad result, it gives you a great one up for a settlement or a lawsuit! Plus that, it may tempt those involved to improve the situations.