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Giving Thanks: 5 Ways to Help Standing Rock Heroes

Author 1820
Managing Editor

Meryl Ann Butler
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Still from Livestream
Still from Livestream
(Image by Kevin Gilbertt)
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Standing Rock water protectors were subjected to grave danger last Sunday night, allegedly perpetrated by agents of the Morton County Sheriff's office. Some would call it domestic terrorism.

"They drenched protesters with water cannons on a frigid night, with temperatures in the 20s. According to protesters and news accounts, the officers also fired rubber bullets, pepper spray, percussion grenades and tear gas. More than 160 people were reportedly injured, with one protester's arm damaged so badly she might lose it," said the NY Times.

Image from Twitter User MaggieDay55

The Protectors have been camped out in peaceful resistance since April in an effort to preserve the purity of the Missouri River, the sole source of water for the Standin Rock Sioux, against the proposed Dakota Pipline. (Note: additional details on this situation are in the articles listed in the series below.)

Thanksgiving Table
Thanksgiving Table
(Image by (From Wikimedia) dnak, Author: dnak)
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Today, a day set aside for giving thanks, seems like an excellent day on which to honor and thank the heroes at Standing Rock. Here are five suggestions for actions to take:

1. Help underwrite an organic Thanksgiving dinner for the protectors at Standing Rock

Holiday Food Safety Tips
Holiday Food Safety Tips
(Image by SuperfitNutrition)
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The Organic Consumers Association noted that "Law enforcement officials, responding to what they called a riot, deployed water hoses in freezing temperatures Sunday against hundreds of protesters decrying the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. This fight belongs to all of us.

"That's why OCA will match up to $4,000 in donations to feed those who are under attack at Standing Rock.Briian Yazzie is the chef de cuisine at Sioux Chef, a catering and education company whose mission is to revitalize Native American food culture.

"Brian is collecting healthy, organic and indigenous foods to take to Standing Rock over Thanksgiving so demonstrators will have healthy meals. Your donation today will help purchase organic produce and traditional foods such as beans, hominy, bison, and wild rice to send with Brian to Standing Rock."

You can donate here.

2. Send Wool Socks for Standing Rock

Wool socks from Sierra Trading Post
Wool socks from Sierra Trading Post
(Image by Sierra Trading Post)
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I heard about this initiative from my friend Joel Becker, who posted this on Facebook:

Often we see insane actions

and don't know how to respond.

I'm sending 4 pair of WOOL SOCKS

to the people on the Front Line.

Joel Becker and socks
Joel Becker and socks
(Image by Joel Becker)
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The Wool Socks for Standing Rock project's goal is to obtain 3000 pair of wool socks, enough for three pair per person. Their website offers a list of retail sources for wool socks.

Send wool socks to:

Wool Socks for Standing Rock

Philip and Tammy Birdhorse

P.O. Box 818

McLaughlin, South Dakota 57642

You can check the "Tally" at the bottom of the webpage to find out how close they are to their goal. They ask you to email them (contact info is on their website) to let them know how many socks you sent, so they can add it to their tally. (I let them know that I sent nine pair, 4 pair in assorted sizes for kids and 5 pair in assorted sizes for women, from Sierra Trading Post, and I had them dropshipped directly to the address above.)

3. Send items from the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council's Amazon wish list:

Wool blanket
Wool blanket
(Image by Joanna Bourne)
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My friends at Bio Solutions are sending a solar generator kit to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council, which has requested needed supplies, especially items used to assist in treating injuries and hypothermia after recent attacks on the Water Protectors. The generator kit was selected from the Medic and Healer Council's wish list at Amazon: which continues to list many items they are need. Additional items include wool blankets, emergency mylar blankets, wool thermal underwear, hand warmers and safety goggles.

The council notes that donors can either order through Amazon, or, if purchasing items elsewhere, these items can be mailed to Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council, PO Box 1251, Bismarck, ND, 58502. (Or if shipping via UPS or FedEx, they ask for you to please use the address: 220 E Rosser Ave #1251, Bismarck ND 58502. You may use the number 701-409-0199 as shipping phone if needed.)

4. Make phone calls and sign petitions:

(Image by Images_of_Money)
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You can call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414, to encourage the president to step in to assist the Water Protectors.

Daily Kos suggests calling the Morton County Sheriff's office (701-328-8118 and 701-667-3330) and demanding they end these life-threatening attacks on peaceful unarmed protectors immediately. Daily Kos even offered a a sample script:

Hello, my name is ___________.

I am horrified by the violence used by your officers against the Standing Rock water protectors last night.

It is nothing short of torture to douse people in water, in below freezing temperatures, for hours.

People could die from this inhumane escalation.

Your officers are willing to risk killing peaceful protectors.

It's time to end these dangerous tactics and torture against the people at Standing Rock.

Alternatively, or in addition, you can sign this petition to the Army Corps of Engineers at Daily Kos.

5. Lend support through prayers and meditations

(Image by NikoDimo)
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Solitary prayer or meditation can be done any time, but several organizations are developing synchronized prayer activities in support of the Water Protectors. The UNIFY community invites you to join the global synchronized prayer on November 26th at 3pm Central (4pm EST) which they are organizing in collaboration with, and with the permission of, the Tribal Council at Standing Rock.

UNIFY Event Announcement
UNIFY Event Announcement
(Image by Unify)
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UNIFY notes, "starting on November 26 and culminating on December 10 (United Nations Human Rights Day) our coalition of organizations will be supporting Standing Rock protectors by hosting multiple online live-stream events, along with local events around the planet."

Five good ways to give thanks to the Water Protectors on the front lines.

Sacred Stones Camp at Standing Rock, Sept 8, 2016.
Sacred Stones Camp at Standing Rock, Sept 8, 2016.
(Image by Georgianne Nienaber)
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Meryl Ann Butler is an artist, author, educator and OpedNews Managing Editor who has been actively engaged in utilizing the arts as stepping-stones toward joy-filled wellbeing since she was a hippie. She began writing for OpEdNews in Feb, 2004. She became a Senior Editor in August 2012 and Managing Editor in January, (more...)

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