Butterflies see five times faster than us
And they are privy to the ultraviolet spectrum
Which allows them to see certain flowers
(That want to be seen) all lit up
Like a neon sign over our favorite eatery.
They have to see faster
Because they are always zigzagging.
Since they are weightless creatures of the air
Zigzagging allows them
To see more of their world instantaneously.
Their flight through a meadow is hard for us to follow
With our slow vision. Even from a distance
We can hardly track them.
Everything that we see is scaled to us.
Big small close far away -
To a butterfly none of this matters.
We probably once saw faster than we do now.
Once upon a time we had to focus
On close and far away simultaneouly,
Always on the lookout for food and danger.
Creatures who see faster are living closer to time-present.
Compared to the butterfly we live so slowly
That, if we aren't wearing some color that shines like a flower,
Butterfly regards us as unworthy of their attention.
We are just part of the landscape like a rock or bush.
In addition, even though, apparently, butterflies do not see depth
Their field of vision is almost 360 degrees horizontally
And vertically. Not only do they perceive the ultraviolet spectrum,
They reflect it. Have you ever seen two butterflies meet in midair
And wonder how they found each other?
It is because they are like strobing
Ultraviolet beacons to each other.
But only to each other. We just stare with our slow eyes
And smile with our slow lips.
And some of us might try to write a poem about it.
Like: I saw two butterflies find each other
Above a dusty road.
They seemed to go nuts with joy.
(Article changed on Jul 11, 2023 at 5:40 PM EDT)