The U.S. is perpetually at war. The military keeps expanding.
People ask: But what could we be doing differently?
First, we the people need to wake up to reality. All of the wars since World War II never had to happen. The current conflict in Ukraine could have been avoided. The pending war with China likewise is completely unnecessary.
The propaganda tells us we are under constant threat, being confronted and intimidated on all fronts. This is a blatant, easily refutable lie. Our policy is not determined by threats and attacks by other countries. Our threats and attacks on other countries is driven by policy. The overall but unstated agenda, i.e. hidden from the American public, which would reject it outright, is world domination, complete control of every other nation on the planet. Not only is such a delusional goal impossible, attempting it is self-sabotaging and suicidal, and rapidly is plunging us into insolvency. Constant war and the ever-expanding military, is bankrupting us as a country and a society, spiritually, socially, politically, and economically. Our economy is being cannibalized by horrible policies and investment decisions which will eventually lead to our destruction as a functioning nation.
So . . . what could we be doing differently?
Investment by our governments, at all levels, is a multiplier. As the book says . . .
Investments in non-military enterprises and institutions multiplies their positive impact on the overall fruitfulness of society and the individual lives of the citizenry. Better education, better training, safer streets, efficient and effective health care, safe food, air and water - the list goes on and on - means a more productive, happier, more mentally and physically fit population. It means an economy, institutions, and communities which work well and promote the general welfare. Which in turn generates more of the same.And what about investing in war and military expansion? Yes, there are some measurable "returns" from defense spending. A few thousand jobs, certainly investor dividends, and what we directly gain by plundering other countries. But extreme militarism, such as what now grips our foreign policy establishment, results in extreme blowback. It may not be very subtle, e.g. 911 or nuclear war with Russia and/or China. In the long term, disproportionate investment in wars and the military machine multiplies violence, destruction, death, anxiety, hatred, fear, both abroad and at home . . .
It's little wonder that we average more than one mass shooting every day. It's little wonder we have so many angry, homeless, undernourished, unemployed, underemployed, discouraged, and cynical people in this country. Living in fear, missing any healthy connection with one another or their communities, lacking the basic necessities, and certainly without the backstop of an adequate safety net to help deal with emergencies, equates to a population which is always scrambling, ever anxious, often just barely surviving, or at bare minimum, facing unnecessary and troubling obstacles to having a decent life. Such shortcomings breed frustration, hopelessness, cynicism and ultimately rage.
The formidable difference in outcomes is moreover borne out by economic studies. Social spending is better for the economy than military spending. The return on investment is dramatically higher. Certainly, the money the U.S. sends overseas to support highly questionable activity abroad would have a highly positive impact on the quality of life in America, and the long term viability of our economy, were it spent domestically.
The point is, we have a choice. Right now our power-drunk leaders, bent on building an empire to lord over the rest of humanity, are making the wrong choice. Unfortunately, there's no evidence that these lunatics listen to anyone other than themselves. They certainly don't hear the cries from everyday Americans who want an end to the madness, who want the wars to end and the vast resources and riches of our nation to be dedicated to making our country all it can and should be. Everyday citizens who want good, safe communities and schools, who want to see opportunities for themselves and their children to grow and allow them to fulfill their full potential as human beings and citizens.
This leaves us one course of action. The whole thrust of War Is Making Us Poor! is getting us started on that course.
It's all explained on our website. You won't find a ponderous lecture. It's short, sweet and to the point.
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