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Have Ted Cruz & John Kasich really suspended their campaigns?

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Scott Baker
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Ted Cruz and John Kasich get together (Hook-Up) Crasich
Ted Cruz and John Kasich get together (Hook-Up) Crasich
(Image by Goat4421)
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Ted Cruz and John Kasich may not have suspended their campaigns after all.
Conservative pro-Trump commentator Bill Still says both are telling their volunteers to continue campaigning for them (at the 4:00 minute mark):

There is also this from The Record in New Jersey: N.J. Cruz backers haven't quit:

Sen. Ted Cruz may have surrendered the battle for the Republican presidential nomination, but some of his troops in New Jersey are not ready to lay down their arms...."If you want a sound bite, it's this: Full steam ahead," said Eric Dixon, who is running to be a Cruz delegate in the 8th Congressional District. "I've reached out and encouraged people not only to go out and vote but to be as active as they were before."

This all comes just a few days after Cruz and Kasich conspired to work together to stop Trump. It could be that Kasich's abrupt decision to drop out just hours after Cruz and less than a day after saying he would continue the race despite the imminent loss in Indiana, is just another version of co-operation between Cruz and Kasich. Their strategy was to deny Trump the requisite number of delegates to win on a first ballot nomination and then to each try to win in a contested floor fight. It's possible these two experienced political infighters, both running out of cash, will continue some sort of low-cost campaign, without expensive advertising, to gather up enough delegates to thwart political neophyte Trump after all.

Cruz's website lists his campaign as officially ended, but Cruz is a slippery fellow - even former House Leader J ohn Boehner described him as Lucifier in the flesh and the "miserable son of a b*tch" he's ever worked with. An underground campaign would be in character for "lyin' Ted." And Kasich has been fighting a clearly quixotic battle for some time with only a win in his home state of Ohio, so his motivations are hard to fathom from the reality-based community as well.

It ain't over until Trump gets the full compliment of delegates. If Trump becomes complacent, there just might be a June 7 Pacific-West-plus-New-Jersey surprise.
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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.

His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:

Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of (more...)

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