Nate Silver, the polling analysis genius who predicted the 2012 presidential race outcome in every one of the 50 states is saying there's a good chance the Republicans will take control of the senate in the 2014 elections. Even if he's wrong the other wing of the corporatist party, the Democrats, will win, by retaining right wing faux democrats like Mary Landrieu. But she's really the tip of the iceberg. MOST of the Democrats are more right wing, more supporting of plutocrats and banksters, than Republicans from 40 or 50 years ago.
it's not surprising that a new poll is showing congress's reputation is the lowest ever, and that a full 57% of voters would like to see all members of congress replaced. Analysis shows that the exception is members of the Tea Party.
Bottom line, we're going to hell next year.
Bottom line, that's not quite true. We're already there.
For far too long, I've been writing a novel about a crew that finds a back door into heaven. In my version of heaven, heaven and hell are intermingled. The people who deserve to be in heaven can see the doors, the entrances that take them to the parts that are hell. The people who deserve hell can't tell the difference. I guess, if you take that idea and apply it to politics, there are a lot of liberals out there who can't tell the difference, who still see Obama as the lesser of two evils. Well, that's the road to hell. So is support of any politician who's indebted to big corporations, be they banks, military suppliers, Monsanto, prison, police or big Pharma, Agra or Healthcare.
It may surprise you that I am not too upset about the possibility that the Republicans may win the senate.
For one thing, if they do, they will, within a year, because they will be controlled by the neandtardthals in the tea party, piss off even more Americans and help insure that a right winger does not win the White House. That would include right winger Hillary Clinton.
Another reason, but along the same lines, is that we will see the entire congress stop taking care of America. With alcoholics, they sometimes have to hit rock bottom-- visualize a drooling, vomit covered man lying in the gutter. Now visualize a drooling America, kicked, beaten and lying in the gutter-- by the sleazy prostitute politicians who put her there. Try the image with Lady liberty-- might as well throw in imagery of her raped and pregnant too.
I've written a series of articles about sociopaths, which expanded to include cluster B personality disorders-- basically also including narcissists and border line personality disorders. That series has advocated for a massive surge in funding to identify these people and identify strategies that prevent them from hurting others and hurting our world. Critics have raised concerns that this could turn into a witch hunt or could look like the world described in the movie, Majority Report.
I believe that things are, in many ways, worse that Majority Report, almost as bad as Orwell's 1984. We're seeing new levels of horror as Detroit reels into bankruptcy, after already being taken over by the state-- a government take-over-- in a state run by a Republican.
We need to wake up. The psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and border-lines that make up 3-8% of the population are a plague upon humanity. Our election system has made it possible for them, or people who allow themselves to be totally manipulated by them to control congress.
Let's be clear. Psychopaths are extremely charismatic and likeable. They attract vulnerable people to them like sh*t attracts flies. When I interviewed the first sociopath to write a memoir, she suggested that Obama may be a sociopath. Remember, the smartest sociopaths don't go to jail. They don't get caught. They run companies. They get elected. Then they break laws with impunity, as Glenn Greenwald describes in his book,
With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful.
Greenwald doesn't talk about Sociopaths. He talks about how there are two sets of laws.
So, I don't want a witch hunt or any kind of Majority Report set of laws. I DO want a much better science for identifying people who are cluster B personality disorders. I DO want much, much better, more robust strategies for preventing these sick dangerous predators from hurting us.
The worst of these are the ones who keep out of jail. The worst are the ones who reach high positions of power.
The future of change will not happen with direct confrontations. It will happen because people fall so low that they start seeing new options that they had not considered before, as the Egyptians saw. The Egyptians are still in big trouble. The US is still funding their military, which is control. The US-- ie., Obama, is violating our laws by continuing to deal with what has become a military junta. Perhaps, if the US stays out of the way, the people of Egypt can take their country back from the military.
Here in the US, the people must take their country back from the military/financial/medico-Pharma/Agra/prison/fossil fuel energy complex. That could start by shutting down all bases outside the US-- as Ron Paul called for. It could include cities starting public banks that create money-- just as the FED does. If enough public banks at the city and state and county level do this, it could suck trillions out of big banking, thus making them smaller, maybe even dead. As cities and states start going bankrupt, they will see, because the numbers bear it out, that single payer health care is the only answer. That will crush the trillion dollar healthcare industry and big Pharma. As more and more states legalize or medicalize marijuana, it will make it harder and harder for the Executive and Judicial branches to dictate and control state laws and militarize police. Ending marijuana laws will help break up the prison industrial complex.
I've given up on democrats and liberals. I've given up on electoral change. Public banking could be the straw that breaks the corporatist camel's back. North Dakota has had it for over 80 years. Many nations have it. There are a few states or cities that are getting close to instituting it. Assume that the big banks will attack it with the same lies and PR attack campaigns as big health care attacked single payer and the public option.
The flowers of democracy will rise again out of the sh*t that corporatists have turned America into. It will be hell. It will get much worse before it gets better. Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco's book,
Days of Destruction Days of Revolt describe how it is already hellish in many parts of America. And
Linh Dinh brings us more impressions of our descent into hell with his series, Postcards From the End of America.We may or not be there to see it. We CAN help to stir up the fertilizer, get the seeds in place and maybe even push the blooming of the flowers. It will take the kind of courage that whistleblowers demonstrate. It will take sacrifices. It will take standing up and challenging politicians we may have voted for at one point. When Obama or the candidates you voted for subject us to NSA spying, when they make us, as citizens, guilty of murder by drones, of torture because we've stayed silent and/or allowed these crimes to happen, then they must be repudiated. They must be stood up to, even if the risks are high, even if the outcomes are bad and certain. We need more Snowdens and Mannings and Risens (he's being forced to disclose his journalistic sources and will probably go to jail for disobeying a bad judge's orders.)
Twelve percent of Americans say congress is doing a good job. Who are these idiots? Okay, one percent are wealthy people being served by congress. But who are the other eleven percent?
Just remember, it does not take 51% of voters to evict a government. That is an illusion. It takes a few percent of the people to become outraged enough to take action. Obama has drugged the democrats and liberals. But that doesn't matter. 57% of the American people want to replace congress. America is ripe for change. My guess is it won't happen the way people expect.
We need to look to other answers and solutions. Fortunately, they are out there. We're seeing solutions in South America. There are answers to be learned from
indigenous peoples and even from
other species.
This has meandered far longer and in more directions than I expected. I'll wrap with a thought. Big corporations are the biggest threat to the future of the human race... period. Their power must be checked and they must be eliminated as they currently exist. The right of corporate personhood currently only exists in the US. the TPP Trans Pacific Partnership, will confer nation state status on corporations. Obama is pushing this and the congress is ready to let it happen. Wake up you foolish Democrats and liberals. Your lesser of two evils thinking, repeated again and again has brought us to the brink, where more and more evil people have been given power. Every day the evidence in in front of you. The hell you fear is already here. Wake the f*ck up already.