Reprinted from Mike Malloy
A pop quiz for you, truthseekers: What group of American citizens is the one most likely to have its civil rights denied; the segment of the US population that is suffering the most from this denial; the one group among all the various and diverse subdivisions of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity that cries out the loudest and longest for redress of their grievances?
Well, according to the most influential, most politically and economically powerful, the one group always found at the top of any pyramid of power in the U.S. -- it is them: White, male and Christian.
What? You are shaking your head in disagreement? You are thinking Mike Malloy has lost his mind? Really?
And, yet, if you listen to and watch these poor wretched souls as they whine and screech and pass laws protecting them from their tormentors, you begin to realize how far over the edge into religious madness these charlatans have taken themselves.
In the past couple of weeks we have seen the various states under the control of these white, male Christians frantically writing legislation in a desperate attempt to stem the tide of discrimination constantly applied to them. They are no longer given carte blanche to practice their own bigotry, to follow the blessed traditions they hold sacred and dear. The right to prevent people of the same sex from marrying is no longer theirs. The right to beat "their" women has become a matter for law enforcement. The privilege of injuring their unruly children will now result in a jail term. The decision to deny people access to public accommodations because of their sexual orientation is no longer theirs. The power of telling people of color they must have their papers in order if they want to vote is under legal attack.
Oh, the injustice! Oh, the denial of the white, male, Christians' God-given rights. What has become of these precious, biblically-derived perks that have been enjoyed for millennia?
What a joke, right? I cannot think of anything as disgusting in contemporary America as the whining of this ball of nut-cases who, on the one hand insist this is a Christian nation -- always has been, always will be -- and on the other parade and wail and carry their signs of oppression.
After all the crimes these male, white, Christians have perpetrated against not just the rest of us here in the US but globally with their religious fascism, it is breathtaking that they continue to wail and bleat about their rights being infringed upon.
What is the virus eating these people's brains? Where is the sense of justice their avatar -- Jesus -- told them to practice? When do these religious fanatics actually get around to conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the more humane religious teachings they insist are the actual words from the mouth of their God?
People whose brains are NOT being eaten by a toxic virus will tell you religion is nothing more than a system by which one learns whom to hate. An essential truth, that. But, if one insists in participating in the delusions that constitute religious madness, why not confine it to those areas it will do the least harm? Their homes; Their houses of worship; The privacy of their own disoriented minds? Which is precisely where the practice of religion or any other relatively mild form of self-delusion SHOULD occur.
So, I ask. Can you Christians -- including the women -- please stop with your constant beating the rest of us with your Bibles? Thank you.