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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 7/7/13

Here's what happens when someone wants to use your "public" info to intimidate you. (Updated)

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Daily Kos
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Reprinted from dailykos.com

by Persiflage

It's unnecessary to review all the diaries on the subject of the NSA, the recent postal service info and so on.  You've either read them or you haven't.  If you have, perhaps you've taken a position on whether or not this is all a bunch of hysterical people with their hair on fire over nothing, or it's a window into uncontrolled surveillance of peoples private lives that violates our rights and need for privacy in our lives.  

Let me point you to how the GOP in North Carolina is using people's data to intimidate them...now...today...and possibly with government assistance.  

(Image by (From Wikimedia) US Census, Ruhrfisch, Dincher, Author: US Census, Ruhrfisch, Dincher)   Details   Source   DMCA

by Wikipedia

If you've been following current events in North Carolina you know the recently empowered GOP legislature (and GOP governor) have been on a roll to slash and burn healthcare, unemployment benefits, taxes on the wealthy and corporations, and more.  Yesterday they attached, and passed in the Senate, a very restrictive abortion clause to a bill about "Sharia Law." (This particularly odious action was cleverly designed to hopefully pass below the horizon of public view and opinion, but did not...although the protestors were told to be quiet because the only voices that mattered were those of the Senators.)

In response, thousands of North Carolinians have gone to the capital building to peacefully protest.  Hundreds have been arrested...booked, finger-printed...mug shots...the whole banana.  These are the Moral Monday protestors we're talking about...good citizens from all walks of life.

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