In an article entitled, "Obama Pushes Democrats for Unity on Health Plan," the Times reported: "Public opinion polls show growing doubts about some of Mr. Obamaà ‚¬ „ s health care proposals," without citing those polls, including a hyperlink to those polls or providing any specifics.
The New York Times's own opinion polls that they printed under the headline, "New Poll Shows Growing Unease on Health Plan" included findings that show Americans support health care reform.
The article reported: "The poll found 66 percent of respondents were concerned that they might eventually lose their insurance if the government did not create a new health care system, and 80 percent said they were concerned that the percentage of Americans without health care would continue to rise if Congress did not act."
The poll also found that Americans, by a two-to-one margin, trust President Obama over Republicans on finding the right solution to health care reform.
The New York Times has harped on the "growing unease" narrative on multiple, documented, occasions throughout July.
What motivation could the New York Times have for manipulating poll numbers and repeating a narrative that there is "growing concern," "growing unease," "growing indigestion," "growing messy bowel movements" etc. around health care reform?
Who has a lot of money and a vested interest in seeing the mainstream media portray America as a country petrified in fear? Portraying America as a country of meek, coward-like people, afraid of the challenges, daunted by the unprecedented call to action that history has laid at our doorstep?
Who wants Americans to retreat within their homes and chant silently to themselves, "I can't, I can't, I can't. It will never change. It will never change?" Who is hell-bent on maintaining control of the most rigged and unacceptable health care system in the world?
Call the New York Times today and ask them to substantiate their claims that there is "growing anxiety, uneasiness, concern" etc. around health care reform or stop printing the fabrication altogether. If the New York Times is left to continue to publish the myth that Americans are afraid of health care reform, then that myth will eventually become a reality. This is how the media manipulates the public: by reporting false realities that are repeated so often they become real. It happens over and over again.