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Hillary Backers are Hijacking Democratic Party Organizations Again

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Daniel Vasey
Message Daniel Vasey

Despite her denials, Hillary Clinton is likely to run for President in 2020. At the least she's testing the waters:

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Anonymous Democrats are working to get her nominated. That is their choice, except that toward that goal they are commandeering Democratic bodies that claim neutrality, just as Hillary backers hijacked the supposedly neutral Democratic National Committee prior to the 2016 campaign.

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The National Democratic Training Committee's stated purpose is to encourage and train new Democratic candidates. Supposedly they do not choose or favor particular candidates. So they say. Since they solicit contributions on those understandings, they have no business actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton, who's been running for office since 2000, lost the 2016 presidential election and lost in a try for the nomination in 2008.

And yet the NDTC circulated a Hillary Clinton 2020 campaign ad masquerading as a poll. Below the question, "Should Hillary run for President in 2020," are Yes and No buttons. The rest of the message includes the following.

"We're still reeling from the 2016 Presidential Election. Even though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost three million votes -- Donald Trump won because of Russian interference. We don't think that's fair. What if Hillary had another shot? We need a strong progressive candidate to take on Trump in 2020. And we think Hillary Clinton could be the one!

"That's why we're reaching out to our strongest Democratic supporters to get their opinion. You've been chosen to represent ***** (zipcode) ! Take our poll immediately."

To blame the loss solely on the Russians and the effects of gerrymandering on the Electoral College is to ignore Hillary's badly run campaign and her many weaknesses in the eyes of independent voters and quite a few Democrats. In 2016 Trump began as a candidate with little appeal outside the Republican base. Nonetheless, he beat Hillary. In 2020 Trump will be the incumbent, and Hillary will be old news. Forget "I'm with her," the motto of many voters will be "I'm sick and tired of her."

The NDTC, a young and little-known Democratic organization that is "reaching out to our strongest Democratic supporters", must be cooperating with the DNC. Among the parties who received the ad were several who had never heard of the NDTC, but were on the Party's mailing list. The connection between the DNC and the NDTC goes back to the latter's founding in 2016.

I sent a message to the NDTC asking if the ad had their knowing support. Three weeks later they have not answered. Their silence speaks volumes.

If you donate to The National Democratic Training Committee, thinking your money goes only toward helping new candidates, please protest their misrepresenting themselves, and then stop donating. Whatever assistance the Committee actually provides to new faces, it is a stalking horse for Hillary, and nominating Hillary again is the surest way to re-elect Trump.

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Dan Vasey is a home brewer and reformed academic, living in Australia and retired from teaching after stints in Colorado, Papua New Guinea and Iowa. An anthropologist and human ecologist, his research specialty has been population and agriculture. (more...)
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