United States Attorney General Eric Holder has announced his intention to "broadly review" police tactics. The stated intention may be noble, but Holder has amassed a lengthy track record of empty posturing. A career prosecutor, he has as of late gone to great lengths to paint himself as a prison reformer. A compliant lapdog media fails to delve into how this purported prison reformer has overseen the incarceration of more individuals than any preceding U.S. attorney general and instead simply regurgitates Holder's self-serving stories.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will examine police misconduct, but exempt the prosecutors who largely enable it
Pressure for federal action to review law enforcement has been growing. The growing body of evidence against the police has come about through the ubiquitousness of cell phones. They have contributed significantly to a veritable flood of videos highlighting obnoxious, abusive and outright criminal behavior on the part of law enforcement from departments throughout the country. Recent videos have shown police officers beating, robbing and murdering an assortment of victims, predominantly from minority communities. Holder was quick to inject himself into the events in Ferguson, Missouri after public outrage swelled in response to the police execution of unarmed teenager, Michael Brown.
Holder, who has recently voiced a variety of concerns about police conduct since in the wake of the Brown shooting, spoke on October 8th in Little Rock, AR. at a meeting of police chiefs organized by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Unarmed teenager Michael Brown's murder was just the latest in a long line of police crimes against the citizens of Ferguson, MO
"The Justice Department is working with major police associations to conduct a broad review of policing tactics, techniques and training,'' Mr. Holder said.
Holder said that the goal of the review is to help police departments around the country "confront emerging threats, better address persistent challenges, and thoroughly examine the latest tools and technologies to enhance the safety and the effectiveness of law enforcement.''
Holder has expressed lofty goals for the review. He said that he wants the effort to "provide strong, national direction on a scale not seen since President Lyndon Johnson's Commission on Law Enforcement nearly half a century ago.''
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