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How big pharma buys goodwill: Set up a foundation, stage media events, please politicians

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Wendell Potter
Message Wendell Potter

Reprinted from www.tarbell.org

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72,000 Americans died last year from drug overdoses. Many of them were young people, and most became addicted by using prescription opioids.

Were it not for the business practices of some of the biggest corporations in America that profit from the manufacture and distribution of massive quantities of opioids, many of those we have lost likely would still be with us. How are those big corporations responding? In one notable case with a charity-based public relations campaign to buy goodwill and stay in the good graces of politicians.

60 Minutes recently exposed the role some of those companies--prescription-drug distributors in particular--are playing in America's opioid epidemic. The show reported that the distributors have shipped astounding quantities of opioids to rogue pharmacies and pain clinics across the United States. Example: a pharmacy in Kermit, WV, population 392, ordered nine million opioid pills over two years from drug distributors. The pharmacies and distributors have been getting away with it because the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, under the influence of industry lobbyists and some members of Congress, was not acting in the best interests of the public.

The biggest distributors of prescription medications in the United States are AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson. In a separate expose, The Charleston Gazette-Mail found that AmerisourceBergen's oxycodone shipments to just one West Virginia county increased from 292,000 pills in a recent year to 1.2 million a year. Over six years, the newspaper reported, that company and the other big drug distributors pumped more than three-quarters of a billion hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into West Virginia, a state with fewer than two million residents. More than 1,700 West Virginians fatally overdosed on those two painkillers during that time, the newspaper found.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, West Virginia has the highest combined rate of deaths from drugs, alcohol and suicide in the country, according to a recent study by the Commonwealth Fund. The rate of drug overdose deaths in that state more than quintupled between 2006 and 2016.

Damage Control

As the former head of PR for a big health care corporation, I can assure you that when your company is the target of a 60 Minutes investigation, you've got a PR crisis on your hands. And what you do to keep your job is go into damage-control mode right away.

A common goal of a damage-control plan is getting people to believe your company is part of the solution, not part of the problem. One way of doing that is to throw a little money at a PR campaign aimed at getting the media and politicians you help elect to portray your company as a benevolent corporate citizen.

AmerisourceBergen appears to be doing just that. The company created a foundation, led by the head of its marketing and PR department, to give away money its executives say is aimed at preventing opioid misuse and promoting recovery. The fact that the company's top PR person heads the foundation is not unusual. When I was Cigna's communications chief, I also ran the Cigna Foundation for a while. Here's something you should know: many of the donations made by foundations established by corporations are aimed at buying goodwill as much as doing good. The grants they make are often connected to the companies' brand protection and enhancement efforts.

Rosy PR materials

As reported last week by The Philadelphia Inquirer, AmerisourceBergen's foundation has given money to police departments and nonprofit groups, and, as you would expect, those police departments and nonprofit groups have said good things about the company. They told the Inquirer they can put the money to good use, and I'm sure they will. At the same time, the paper said, "The company's foundation grants, which totaled $1.4 million last year, have set the stage for press events, social media posts, and rosy PR materials with members of Congress, including those who have received contributions from the company's political action committee or lobbyists."

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for 20 years, Wendell Potter worked as a senior executive at health insurance companies, and saw how they confuse their customers and dump the sick -- all so they can satisfy their Wall Street investors.
Wendell Potter is an Analyst at the Center for Public Integrity; Former insurance company executive; Author of Deadly (more...)
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