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How soon we forget! Is Israel under the spell of a monstrous shadow-complex?

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Gary Lindorff
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Quoted from the BBC World:

'' 'Surrender or starve': Attack on Jabalia hints at controversial Israeli plan for northern Gaza" "On Saturday morning, a message was posted on social media by the Israeli military's Arabic spokesman warning people living in the 'D5' area of northern Gaza to move south. D5 is a square on the grid superimposed over maps of Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). It is a block that is split into several dozen smaller areas. The message. the latest in a series, said: 'The IDF is operating with great force against the terrorist organizations and will continue to do so for a long time. The designated area, including the shelters located there, is considered a dangerous combat zone. The area must be evacuated immediately via Salah al-Din Road to the humanitarian area.' The suspicion among Palestinians, the UN and relief agencies is that the IDF is gradually adopting some or all of a new tactic to clear northern Gaza known as the 'Generals' Plan'." (Jeremy Bowen)

This reminds me of how the Nazis were sectioning off parts of the Warsaw Ghetto during WW2,, forcing evacuations of Jews into smaller and smaller, supposedly safe, zones with posted deadlines for getting out (often with just the clothes they were wearing and whatever they could fit in their pockets) before they sealed off these neighborhoods. So the designated safe blocks became more and more crowded and unliveable. Eventually of course, no place was safe, and that was the whole calculus of the Nazi equivalent of the Israeli's "General's Plan" to keep moving Palestinians around until there is no place left for them to go. But maybe by that time nothing will matter anyway. To an outsider, me, Gaza has become a ghetto. This is what you might expect from a people who have not individuated, by which I mean, their shadow is running amuck. This does not bode well for anyone. But don't expect the United States to call them out. Our shadow is global in scale.

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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A "spell" allays responsibility. The zionist entity is the monster that has slandered and continues to slander the faith of Judaism.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 3:47:00 PM

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Reply to shad williams:   New Content

I chose that word carefully. When people are projecting their shadow, that is, by definition, shirking responsibility and proceeding with very little conscious awareness. It doesn't mean that what they are doing is any less wrong or evil. It just means that that they are pretty much clueless that their treatment of the Palestinians is similar to the treatment of of the Jews in Warsaw at the hands of the Nazis. In fact to me the parallel is so glaring, it boggles my mind that they can't see that they are identified with a Nazi-like shadow.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 4:09:10 PM

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I understood the point. In contrast, they do not get a break for being clueless.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 4:39:35 PM

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No, they do not. I am disdainful of those who chose the path of unconsciousness which often means to be followers of dogmatists.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 4:55:34 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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It is becoming more obvious than ever that humanity will need to stumble its way toward a world government that has enforcement power.

It seems likely that the lessons we need to learn on the way there involve disgust with such behavior. My guess is that this is only the beginning.

My sense also is that many minded planets-species need to do through this crap before they breakthrough to a more enlightened way of being.

That is, if they don't kill themselves off first.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 10:07:47 PM

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Gary Lindorff

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I agree. I also see that there is a spiritual awakening afoot worldwide that seems to be related to a new sensitivity to the needs of environment and appreciation for the natural world. I think that extraverts will have their way before any kind of spiritual sea change can get traction, so harder times are coming. Another interesting development that holds promise is the food revolution, which is happening on localized fronts worldwide. A healthy microbiome reflects a healthy relationship to food and Nature, and will do more to change the violent psychology of humans than any other factor. So that is where I rest my hope. As the diet of the human race improves (which is a very long shot in terms of possibilities, I realize), the psychology of human beings will eventually individuate, and that will empower those who are spiritually oriented by nature. So, what I am picturing is that after a grim period of decline and chaos and enforced control, the real change that is on the way. will come to us through the food we consume and how we see ourselves in relation to the living planet.

Submitted on Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 at 10:32:44 AM

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Thank you. Agree on all points.

The one option you do not mention is the "Armageddon Bypass." As Bandy X. Lee (Youtube and my article this page) shares - and I concur - if DJT gets in, nuclear war and/or environmental devastation are realistic possibilities. That would be curtains for much (all?) of humanity and the Biosphere.

Back to square one for some millions of years.

Also, if you wish, see Duane Elgin - Choosing Earth, and Chris Bache, Dark Night Early Dawn. Because we are living in extremis ... unsustainably, we may, in the near future, need to undergo the death of billions.

If so, may we quickly rise from the ashes, deeply chastened but truly wiser.

Submitted on Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 at 2:01:59 PM

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Gary Lindorff

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I heard an interesting accounting for how ants originally turned to fungus farming. When the asteriid hit that wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, all dinosaurs and most of plant-life perished in a kind of nuclear winter that lasted many years. Nothing green grew. but the ants survived in the dead plant-matter that covered the ground where forests once thrived.They survived by eating fungus, so when they went underground (probably to escape the cold) they brought fungus with them and learned how to cultivate it in underground chambers. Something similar might happen if there is a nuclear armageddon. I think you are right though, humans will not survive an an-out nuclear war. Personally, I don't go there. It is just too awful to contemplate. Until it happens, I go by the attitude that, as long as it doesn't happen, there is a chance that it won't.

Submitted on Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 at 3:06:14 PM

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he's a fascist in the mold of Hitler.

IMO - per Joanna Macy, we need to contemplate nuclear devastation. And then deal with our feelings as a way of opening our compassionate hearts and our willingness to take action, becoming "sacred activists." (J.M. - Active Hope)

Bottom line: as per Bandy X. Lee and others - vote and go out of your way to encourage others to vote --- and stay in conversation re- this. Do whatever you can in the next few weeks. Trump is a very, very psychiatrically sick and cruel guy. {'a wild and crazy guy'}. Liz Cheney and Gen. Mark Milley: without any exaggeration, 'he is a fascist in the mold Hitler.'

If he gains power, we are sh*t out of luck.

Submitted on Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 at 5:03:57 PM

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Gary Lindorff

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Blair, thanks for reminding me of the work of J Macy and Andrew Harvey, who worked together and in parallel. J Macy wrote "Active Hope: How to face the mess we're in without going crazy" (2012) , (w Chris Johnstone), and Andrew Harvey wrote "The Hope: A guide to sacred activism" (2009). Both of these individuals are forces of nature (Macy and Harvey). J.Macy is getting on in years, so for those who haven't checked out her life and work, she is still all there and kickin' and walking the talk. She treads where few others are willing to go, but has the map, if want to follow her. I have never found a thing about her not to respect and admire! I can't say that about too many people, dead or alive.

Submitted on Monday, Oct 14, 2024 at 10:17:05 AM

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Thanks for putting Duane Elgin on my radar. "Choosing Earth" . . . "reveals a promising pathway ahead that is sustainable and calls forth our higher human potentials. Overall, this is a carefully researched book that builds on more than 40 years of research, writing and community organizing by the author." We need paths. Paths that take us, not around despair, but through it. I am in a men's group that is discussing hosting a grieving ritual for the wider community. An effective grieving ritual is one that creates a safe space for everyone to release and express feelings of loss that most of us carry locked up inside. People express grief differently. Sometimes grief brings rage with it, so ritual has to provide a safe container, where everyone is safe and whatever they bring is honored. This is a collective process and a collective journey, albeit I know that this language doesn't resonate with everyone. Andrew Harvey says: "Take courage, for human nature is divine." His whole life's work is geared to backing up that statement, so, if you are Christian, check him out. Harvey is actually a modern day mystic and an activist, passionate and brilliant.

Submitted on Monday, Oct 14, 2024 at 10:36:05 AM

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Reply to shad williams:   New Content

I should have said that I couldn't agree with you more about how the "zionist entity" is out of control and, quite frankly, dangerous.

Submitted on Monday, Oct 14, 2024 at 10:02:10 AM

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Clearly, Donald Trump and Bibi are twins, cut from the same cloth. This is a time on the planet when a massive cleaning/clearing is happening. And for this to occur, the garbage and the negativity needs to rise to the surface.

As you say, it is a dangerous moment. The trash could swamp us.

Yet, as Macy has said, "We need an opposing wind to fly. It's the hardship that catalyzes our awakening."

Clearly, both Donald Trump and Nyet-a-Yahoo were crushed as children. (Who they were in previous incarnations remains to be seen, but I would guess this is not their first rodeos as genocidal tyrants). I feel that this is a time to discern how Living Spirit is using even their unmitigated evil toward their emergence of good - prompting all humans to reflect on our deepest values and demonstrating the dark forces for all to see.

As I see it. if we truly desire a different world, virtually all of us need to see that it is not just the Donald and his twin who were crushed. We need to take responsibility for how our family lives involved the abuse of power in one way or another, and how we may be abusing power today. World culture is far from well and we all have suffered.

A massive increase in the intensity of energy is triggering humankind to open its eyes to a greater spiritual purpose and perceive a more transcendent vista of experience.

All the people of earth are in crisis which stems from a deeply ingrained fear of knowing the truth. And a major aspect of the truth is, as you rightly say, the need to own our own shadow including or woundedness and the oppressors within ourselves.

I appreciate your comments.

Submitted on Monday, Oct 14, 2024 at 2:00:07 PM

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