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Human Coprophagia 2012: Sarah, The Fuhrer

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Mark Sashine
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I have a dream: I wake up in the morning and go buy the Hustler Magazine. I never bought an issue before in my life. On the first page I see a photo of Sarah Palin, half- naked in a provocative position. And the headline says, 'Sarah propositions to Uncle Sam. Will he oblige?'

In my dream the magazine is dedicated to the new phenomenon. The headlines vary from "I know she cannot do real sex' to "Who was her lover when she ran for VP?" There are polls about her sex life and polls asking if the public agrees about her frigidity. There is an interview with her High School sweetheart and with several members of the Alaska legislation. (all at the same time). There are pictures of Sarah in a bathing suit but with a gun. There are photos of her alleged fantasies including Rosie, Oprah and Dick Cheney.

In my dream Sarah sues Hustler, they counter-sue and on again-off- again-Sarah's dreams about Presidency are buried forever. That's in a dream.

In reality nothing like that happens. In reality I see quite the opposite. I see sister Sarah on the prowl. The game is afoot.

Our media demonstrates a remarkable case of human coprophagia. They generate sh*t and then eat it with such vigor that even the stench does not have enough time to diffuse. You turn on your TV and you breath it, 'It is not true that we here hate Sarah Palin. We just say that she should maybe read more books. We are not harsh- look how we treat President Obama. No, we love Sarah dearly..'

Why are they so afraid of? Or maybe it is not fear? Maybe they know their game?

Sarah Palin was brought to the US politics in the Y2008 seemingly from nowhere. Even McCain apparently did not know much about her. She was "introduced' to him by someone unnamed during one of the events and then somehow her name was pushed through the big guys of the GOP. Who did that? Why was she chosen? That itself is a mystery to solve for those who appreciate a good story but it seems no one wants to know. And if no one wants to know here comes the Going Rogue. We get an image of the woman who made herself, stuck to her principles and personified the American individualism and conservative values. Alone? On her own? How about a nice organization called a Council of National Policy? (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Council_for_National_Policy)

That organization is founded by Tim La Haye, the nutty one and Gov. Palin is the member all-right. She is also "working' with the National Council for the New America (click here), the radical GOP group, as an "expert'. Expert on what?

The Tim La Haye cabal was the one who vetted Palin to the spotlight. The whole show in the Y2008 was not about McCain; it was about Sarah. Old John had to promote her, to shout how "great' she was and to make his staff work on her behalf. That was the deal as soon as GOP stopped fighting for Presidency in September 2008. That's why there were skirmishes within the group; some of the McCain's people hadn't read the memo. Sarah ignored them because she was promoting herself at all costs. She obviously did not care how was the salesmanship done and what kind of image she presented. Her image was predefined by La Haye and company. And the goal was achieved beautifully- by the start of the Y2009 we ALL knew about her, she was everywhere and everyone either liked her or hated her. That's folks, how you introduce a political figure. And then you make a second step- you develop a legitimate money generator to cover for the donations under the table and you buy the media. Someone said on TV that maybe Sarah was not that bright but whoever lead her efforts was very clever. I agree. Big money hire big boys. And girls.

The book she obviously did not write was a perfect cover even if it did not sell at all. But it sold big time. That was the result of a very clever campaign in the media. Two main messages were continuously broadcasted: Sarah is honest and Sarah is cute. How did Upton Sinclair say, "Fascism will come to America as a cutie', or something like that? Cutie does not have to read books. She does not have to be smart. She must be cute and also appear honest. She says she represents the real America? Of course she does. Whoever does not understand is just an elitist hater. Polls? Who cares for polls. As soon as the media does not reject (and they do know how to reject; look what they did to Edwards) and is willing to consider an image the politico strives and grows because then the media works as commercial advertising. In fact, 90% of the MSM is now doing just that- advertising Palin. She is a story. And the La Haye cabal counts on that. They know their flock.

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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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