Like the Citizen United case, the Patriot Act and the Freedom Act where the politicians imply you are not for citizens uniting, you are not a patriot or you are not for freedom if you don't support these cases and acts... We need to create a Humanity Act for common-sense gun control. If politicians don't support the Humanity Act, then we will brand them for not supporting humanity and people.
The Humanity Act
- Ensure firearm sellers are licensed. Firearm seller must forward firearm-license data to the government and ensure that each firearm has an approved safety lock.
- Ensure everyone has had a background check with a one-month waiting period before they can purchase.
- Ensure all firearms are licensed to an individual owner (like an automobile license).
- Ensure all firearms have locks on them that can only be opened by the owner.
- Ensure all firearm licenses are renewed every five years. This is a visual inspection done by each state to ensure each firearm is licensed and fitted with approved safety locks.
- Ensure that the firearm owner confirms that they are in possession of each of their firearms and that they are fitted with approved safety locks and that they are safely secured. This will be done annually when owners submit their annual tax forms.
You want change, then vote for politicians that support common-sense firearm control.
We need to start taking steps to protect people from getting their hands on guns that shouldn't have them. We protect people from taking guns onto a plane. Now it is time to protect people, by implementing common-sense gun-reform legislation.
Do people know that Citizen United gives a much larger voice to the wealthy, corporations, religious organizations and less of a voice to the average American?
Do people know that the Patriot Act and Freedom Act actually take away their right to privacy?