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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 9/1/17

ISIS as Place Setters

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Mark Taliano
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"ISIS" is a product of the US Military-Intelligence complex. The word itself connotes "ISlam", and so from the very beginning the construct serves to create Islamophobia, which is a necessary pre-condition for the US Empire's holocaust-creating footprint overseas [1]. War requires hatred and ISIS fits the bill. The fact that ISIS' deeds are entirely anti-Islamic is of no importance.

Rita Katz [2] et al. beheading videos and domestic false flag terrorism all serve the necessary function of engineering consent for a War On Terror which features as its main star the West's very own terror proxies -- ISIS. ISIS itself is a false flag in the sense that whereas ISIS is the designated enemy, the psychological operation conceals the fact that ISIS is also us -- they are the Empire's foot soldiers.

In terms of military strategy, ISIS is used as a "place-setter". Empire directs ISIS to areas that it wants to destroy -- under the false pretext of going after its own assets (ISIS et al.) so that it can destroy the target area even as it relocates the "target".

Consider, for the example, Mosul, Iraq. Prof Chossudovsky explains in "The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq"[3] that the US co-opted the Iraqi military to "allow" ISIS into Mosul in the first place -- so that the city could then be destroyed, and civilians massacred, in the name of going after ISIS. Subsequently, ISIS was relocated from Mosul to Syria.

ISIS is also being used as a "place-setter" in Syria. Similar military strategies have been deployed in the occupation and destruction of Raqqa, Syria.

ISIS convoy leaves Raqqa, Syria

Similarly, the US coalition is using ISIS as a "place-setter" for a proposed "Kurdistan" region.[4]

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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. Visit the author's website at https://www.marktaliano.net where this (more...)

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