If Xi-Jinping Reminded that Martin Luther King Called U.S. "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?"
If, during the three day Martin Luther King birthday holiday, a world attention getting source, for example, a high enough profiled Chinese government official, pointed out that the government of the United States of America was condemned as the most violent in the world by America's own idol, this writer believes it would be a sensation, and a most difficult moment for the U.S. government and America's wars supporting mainstream media which has for 57 years totally suppressed all mention of King's condemnation of his government's wars to protect predatory investments.
What If the African-American Community Was Made Aware of Criminal Mainstream Media News&Entertainment Conglomerates' 57 Year Blackout of King's Condemnation of US Wars by an International Voice Too Prestigious for CIA-overseen Western Media to Be Able to Suppress Reporting?
(How strange it is that the African American community has either openly or indifferently been supportive of white racist regime change, imperialist bombings, invasions and bloody occupations in small nations of people whose skin color is of various hues even though MLK condemned those wars as
"atrocity wars and covert violence on three continents since 1945 to maintain unjust predatory investments in countries overseas," - )
King's 1967 New York sermon, 'Beyond Vietnam - a Time to Break Silence' made bold headlines in newspapers across the world:
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