Cynthia McKinney is the only politician (former) I have encountered in my life that I feel gut-level trust for. I am an anarchist and I am opposed, on principle, to hierarchical structure and majority rule. I believe in consensus and communication and a constant process of real people working things out on an individual equality basis. So I am naturally inclined to be anti-political, but I have to acknowledge the fact that Cynthia has a vision of proper human relations that is very close to mine. Please watch the video link below for a real basic education on the Deep State given by Cynthia in a interview with Sane Progressive (Debbie). Her comments about the Klan are priceless.
Please be patient and watch the entire video. Cynthia's integrity and humanity resulted in her being forced out of politics and into a different mode of expression. And in this mode she shows herself to be a person that I can only feel affectionate respect for. She is a genuinely non-racist and truth-seeking human being.
[Start at the beginning manually after opening vedio]